This is it people

One week till the wow community is severed in half and it will never be the same. People on the RuneScape forums many years ago were saying that no one will play the old school RuneScape version for more than a few months. Fast forward 6 and a half years later and it has about three times as many players as RuneScape 3 (the main version)

All of our PvP/PvE achievements will mean nothing a week from now, this is it, and I honestly don’t mind. If classic takes the path that OSRS did and has a community driven team behind it, it will take the gaming world by storm. If the same developers that develop the retail version of wow are developing classic is will fail miserably.

It won’t be long before they release arena or some type of rated PvP setting in classic, probably 6 months in. Blizzard haven’t invested all this time and energy just to release a version of wow that will never be updated and left on the shelf to gather dust.

Less than a week until everything changes ladies and gentlemen


how are you comparing OSRS to vanilla wow when one won’t receive any updates whatsoever

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Lol they’re not just throwing all the content out at once. Also, Classic is free money to them. Once it gets to the final stage, they can just coast on content that their devs won’t have to worry about. Only updating it will need is any existing bugs.

Maybe community events they’ll look to implement, but nothing like making an entirely new expansion.

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They figured out a 15 ilevel difference is what feels good for gear upgrades.

Now, they figured out they can cycle back to Vanilla/Classic after 15 years for it to feel good.




Both games are tied to one sub lol no one is quitting retail

WoW deserves to die for their underhanded manipulation of in-game rewards to bolster playtime metrics. It’s only fitting that it’s done inadvertently by their own greedy hand.

The great thing about Classic is that if it does kill retail they can’t manipulate it to milk their customers for every last drop of playtime. People will log in whenever they want to do whatever they want with no changes ever.


Wait for Classic+…


What makes you guys think there won’t be any updates ever to classic? I don’t understand

edited that silly typo for u MY GUY

ill always have that failboat “live” launcher

but u know ill just be on legacy servers having actual fun

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Nice assumption

You do realize classic is usiusinusiusing the new wow engine,network components etc all the small components that have changed in 15 years. Its not just a copy and paste job

Most people will go to classic, but it will die out pretty quick, especially with Activision delaying the release of phases.

You’ll sign onto classic have nothing to do, sign onto Retail and see most your friends/guildies are in classic leveling their 3rd char or running UBRS and you’ll lose interest in the game altogether.

The amount of people on live will heavily reduce, the amount of people on classic will heavily reduce in a month or two and the overall population of WoW will continue to decline.

As great as this is for nostalgia, and maybe for the peak of the next expansion release, in the long run this is going to completely burn people out on WoW as a whole and be the last straw to kill WoW. :frowning:


Oh the Classic blindfolds :joy:

I couldn’t refrain from posting a response to this bit. You imply that blizzard have invested time and energy and money to release a version of WoW that they already made before. What?! It’s not like they literally remade the game- they literally just hit copy and paste and that’s that. The only new things they’ve done are implement already existing addon code from legion (also copy paste) and some PR events with “name reservations” a streamer beta, and a terrible developer conference. I cannot downplay the amount of effort or time required for any of this. Blizzard deserves no praise for work they didn’t do. The only thing they deserve a thanks for, is finally admitting that they’ve lost control of the direction of the game and hit undo, albeit 4 expansions late.

Eh, some things they got right, some things they didn’t.

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I really don’t see this happening. From the looks of it Classic is gonna have way more active players at launch than the launch of BFA. Yeah active classic players will balance out eventually, but i’d say about 90% of active retail players never experienced classic. Once they make a character on classic, invest time in it, see it’s a new experience, (one Legion/BFA could never offer) they will forget about retail for quite some time. Where you believe the converse.

Check the classic forums. People already are creating their own content just within the forums. This will transfer to in game classic, we’ve already seen it on the beta with lvl 20/30/40 duel tournaments with 40k+ viewers. Classic won’t need devs/designers throwing new content at them constantly. They are creating their own. If they want to hop on bfa, they’ll simply run their mythic 10+ and log off lol. What else is there to do on live?


That’s a lot to do with Hype, honestly. Look at any new game that drops on twitch. Huge spike in viewers as the streamers try to stay relevant but it quickly dies out and people go back to what they were doing.

Sad part of reality, you’re not going to be invited to these “twitch dueling tournaments.” Sure more people will be outside SW dueling than on live, but most won’t have that streamer experience.

Classic is going to suffer that same fate. There really isn’t anything to “do” on classic besides level to 60 and run your weekly MC. With so much of the game already known and the average play skill rise over the years, it won’t be as hard as people think.

The BoE Nature resist rings will be saved for AQ40 and most classes already can find a BiS list on WoWhead. Those BRD bracers you had no clue were BiS in 2005 are now checked off a list of things to get.

You’ll quickly be left with not much to do outside of MC, gear wise. And for the people who have spent the last 10 years not being in a guild because of LFR and mythics, those same people will probably not be in a guild in classic.

This will result in them losing interest as 90% of their ability to obtain gear will be spent doing random pugs and /rolling for loot once a week. That’ll get old very fast.

On the Activision Part of things, a lot of people will stop leveling at about 35-42. It’s really when the hype and pace slow down. Activision will look at their numbers instead of listening to feedback and delay phases, releasing every 6 months.

Live expansion
Classic phase
Live Patch
Classic phase
Live Patch
TBC release
Live Patch
TBC Phase
Live Expansion

It’s a cash grab cycle now.

On top of that, WSG / Rank PvP is going to be such a mess. Imagine going into a WSG with a 10 shaman multiboxer. 10 Frostshocks instantly. No one will survive that and it’ll be very frustrating to say the least. The coordination of players have risen, games will either be a stomp or go on forever, the actually enjoyment will go down and people will release why a timer was placed in game.

It is very possible I am just a cynical, grumpy old man, but I just don’t see the longevity in playing classic. As much as I love Zelda, there’s only so many times I can run through the Water Temple.


i love classic naysayers


eh the vast majority of people won’t make it past level 30, especially the people that never actually played it. the overlap in “current very active retail players” and “people who will love classic” is a lot smaller than a lot of people think it is. speaking as someone who has leveled more than 10 characters to max level on vanilla and bc pservers, plus i was there the first time around. it’s a lot if you’ve never done it before, and it starts to drag pretty quickly

it’s gonna be like the private servers but with more pop, a better community, and less bs like buying items and whatnot. itll thrive though, because sketchy russian servers have thrived for a decade. retail is definitely not going anywhere. in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the hype brings back some old heads that resub, try classic again, realize it’s a bigger grind than they remember, give retail a shot, and stay there

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I really feel like your post is projecting like 10-15% of the classic population. Which is why I said it will balance out. But the amount of active classic players should remain relatively high for a decent amount of time. You already listed things to do. Which takes time. Alot.

Why is hype a bad thing also? Yea some players are gonna be hyped, then un-hyped, then possibly re-hyped all over again, because some tournament was announced. Classic isn’t projected to be a game that beats fornite and revives the spirit of MMO’s. It’s just gonna be a game with a healthy amount of players, more than retail idk for how long? No one knows. It’s even pointless to try to speculate it.

All I know is classic hype is gonna be alive and healthy for quite some time (approx 1 year?). That’s all I could ask for is 1 year of a game with a crap ton of players all interacting and oneshotting noobs in the world and in bgs. I really feel bad for the people not even giving it a chance.

Alot more won’t tho. Look at the beta. Many people played beta like it was live. Multiple lvl 40’s with BiS just for fun, even though it will be erased within a matter of 1-2 months.

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