This is how to disable Spy, Blizz

Filter by phases, Wrong information presented in several situations… A prime example I was looking for some shadow resist gear the other day and low and behold I remembered a neck that dropped in DM but could not remember what side… Got on WoWhead and WoWhead claims Phase 4 for the item but it’s actually part of Phase 1.5…

Another fine thing with WoWhead, is that if I attempt to use certain filters for example drop down menu “of the monkey” on my Firefox browser it will often fail and just give me a blank drop down…

The webpage is not professional, its a heap of crap and presents wrong information…

Second example, my alt rogue that I am now gearing has 800 and some odd attack power (ranged) 700 ish melee… Use the WoWhead gear planner and it’s wrong by wrong squared with the range attack power. It’s down 200 attack power

Want a filters that actually work? Thottobot…

Want a webpage that actually does not suck to look at? Thottbot

That or go to sketchy outdated russian webpage and it’s still better by a mile over Wowhead… That site is a joke and it’s upkeep is pure garbage.

Hell tons of their “notes” are from TBC, wrath and cata… If I wanted unreliable wrong information I would use WoWhead.

For gear go to

i think the phases just haven’t been updated, that stuff was supposed to be happening in different phases.

I don’t use classic wowhead often honestly, just retail, honestly forgot it even have a classic

The classic version is horrid, and I don’t use the modern once since I don’t play modern wow.

They can update the itemization all they like, but when their data and notes is just busted it’s hard to get it right.

Look at their NPC’s… Instead of estimated health pool values (like thottbot) they have “100” like no joke dude… 100% health or something stupid.

You can’t use logic on these forums OP it doesn’t work

Spy should be removed, and it shall be

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Why cry about something everyone has ? It’s not like they have an advantage because you don’t have spy . Because everyone worth their salt has spy

The OP said “enemy players”

forum guy tells multi billion dollar company engineers how to do deal with an addon