This is honestly the first time ive been hyped for a new expansion in awhile

I’m so excited!! whos with me eh?


I’m honestly only here for my guildies and friends. I have no interest in ginormous caverns, dwarves, Earthen, Nerubians or half elf people. And Delves just look like rehashed Horrific Visions to me.

I am interested in Warbands and the Warbank. Otherwise, I’m a stick in the mud. lol


Honestly? I’m dooming inside a little bit. I feel as though the up in difficulty is not going to stew well with a lot of the playerbase, hero talents are good for some specs and absolute fun destroying for others. Delves are…delves, it’s basic solo content there is only so much you can do with it. The tuning is really out of wack in all regards. I will still play season 1 to completion but it’s looking a teensy bit grim.


Super excited, really hoping they nail the nerubian lore, one of the coolest faction/race ever

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I was excited for DF, I wasn’t disappointed.
So yeah, very excited, can’t wait to Delve!

Being positive is not allowed on the forums.


there are radical changes coming with this new expansion, the last time there was awesome changes and introduction of new systems was legion.

Cautiously optimistic. Bummed that several specs seem unhappy with their designs, though. That’s never a good sign

There’s nothing exciting about it honestly. Seems like the same ol thing.


Is this the true end of Hello Kitty Island Adventure? Hmm?

I dunno what there is to really be excited for… outside of delves the gameplay loop still appears to be the exact same as we’ve had for years now.

I’ve taken a break from gaming for the past 6 months and just coming back to it and torn between playing the new wow xpac, or just getting back into Diablo 4. Seems like d4 has really turned a corner over the past few months and making meaningful changes to the game whereas wow seems to just be milking what they already have

Been playing MMORPGs for too long to be hyped about anything.

Looking forward to new content though.

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Got to be honest, so far most things I’ve tested are ok.

But many aspects of tww feel like they are not ready, ran out of time on class updates, professions are a bit of a mess still and we had 0 post about them and no feedback threads. All in all, I’m still positive about the expansion overall, but there are definitely issues.

I am looking forward to the new zones and talents. Kind of dreading being stuck on a ground-mount for months again, though :-1:t2:

As long as the auction house remains usable, I’ll be mostly happy, lol.

I’ve been asking myself if I’m excited for about the past month. Today it hit me when I was thinking about path of exile’s new season starting Friday, that I am genuinely excited for that season, and I don’t feel that way about wow. It would take me a small book to write what Im feeling, but it’s just a bunch of anxiety really.

They ruined them by turning them into beetle elves.

Why would you be stuck on a ground mount for months? Don’t you start off with skyriding and then unlock OG flying when you hit 80?

I was very, very hyped for Dragonflight. It delivered and I am thoroughly satisfied with what it gave me.

I’m extremely amped up for Delves and the integration of Warbands, but I don’t think TWW hits quite the same level of hype for me that Dragonflight did…because Dragons are the best part of WoW and I wanted to see some wrongs righted.