This is goodbye everyone

For me at this point it isn’t healthy to wait around for changes that aren’t going to happen. For me there is so much wrong with Retail WoW. I’d go into detail but at this point there really isn’t much more that I can say that hasn’t been said already. For those truly interested I made a thread long ago speaking on what I disliked and for the most part they hold true for me to this day.

h ttps://

I made the choice to become a GM of my community that has been running for over 9 years now. The game brought us all together. And I wouldn’t have been able to get through some dark times without them. But as it stands it seems that the Blizzard we knew is now gone and WoW just isn’t the place for players like us. Right now we’re playing Classic only until the nostalgia trips runs out for us. However long that takes. And when that time comes, we’ll find a new game to play as a community.

I can’t keep clinging on to hope or the mentality of “maybe x patch/expansion will make things better”. Giving feedback and trying to be a voice only leads to continued frustration for points that shouldn’t even be an issue to fix. At least in my opinion. And it has gotten to a point where there are better things that I can be spending my time doing that actually make me happy. So I won’t be posting on GD anymore as it’s a wasted effort in my eyes.

Thoughts, prayers and most importantly love to the WoW community. I hope that the next expansion is fun for you guys.

Jalen of Emerald Dream


In before “can I have your gold”

Best of luck on your future endeavors OP


Much appreciated <3


I’ve been in these forums long enough to see multiple goodbyes threads from you. See you in a few weeks.


Good luck, and hope you do decide to return some day.



See you in 9.0 :crazy_face:


LOL! oh man!


Yeah, he’s done this quite a bit.
He’ll be back pre-shadowlands launch


Sorry to hear that you find this to be a thing, OP! Hope the game comes around for you, but maybe try out SWTOR in the meantime? ^~^


Should I have made a thread when my sub ran out? Am I doing it all wrong? :thinking:


He’s typing a reply, this should be juicy


Much appreciated. I tried SWTOR around launch and didn’t really like the end game. I’ll probably see where it’s at though to see if things have improved.


:thinking: Pretty sure you were doing it wrong, Sierra. You’re too nice, so you probably didn’t flip out in a blind rage, say Blizzard is wrong, and also didn’t tell people you’re spitefully keeping your stuff.

Hold my beer.

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I personally find the game is in a pretty enjoyable spot right now. It’s got a fairly good progressive gearing system for end game, the Operations (Raids) are challenging, and more. I haven’t played much of the end game for the current expansion, so I’m not sure personally just how much the introduced ‘tactics’ are able to vary your gameplay, but that was something that was promoted for it; To be able to variably alter how you play your spec. It’s entirely possible it’s just something like additional alacrity(haste), or higher crit % or something though. :shrug:

But I like the spot that SWTOR is in currently. Just saying, give it a shot~ The game’s changed since its release days.

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Holds your entire keg.

Nm I was gonna go make a s arcastic thread but I don’t want to lose my tl 3 just yet :neutral_face:

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LOL. Yet she says. xD

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I thought this thread felt familiar…

Still, some of them do actually quit after the sixth thread. After all, where is Lunnaya now?

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On a break,
She’ll be back.