This Is A Disaster

One of the topics of Classic that got the most likes, comments, and fanfare was the push for including Old AV because 1.12 would be a boring zerg that would be over in minutes.

Well guess what…

Blizzard didn’t listen to ANY community feedback despite the strong campaign for Old AV; and now we’re stuck with a boring zergfest. A shell of what was once an amazing battle.

Old AV was one of the most unique and defining features of Vanilla, and now in it’s re-creation the BG is gutted.


Even 1.5 AV would have been rushed to death. Because AV is not balanced around full raids of lvl 60s with raid gear. It’s balanced around a mix of 51s to 60s. I told you all it was never gonna be the same if you approach it at max lvl.


I was always confused why Blizzard choose to include the 1.12 AV with Classic rather than the 1.5 version. /shrug who knows.

I guess they can always beef up the towers which would change the complexity of the game and make it more fun.

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The anniversary event is 1.5 and it’s still fast with very little PvP.


I Agree everyone wants original AV…


Stop screwing this game up AGAIN


Yet what we begged and pleaded for was given directly to BFA, actual development went into it, for a limited time event.

Blizzard’s disconnect and tone deafness are at epic levels.


Doesn’t resemble the old AV at all, does it? One of the most fun aspects of old vanilla.

Every game is worse than any AV I have ever done, tho I expect the private server and retail players find it old hat. A literal sprint to the last GY, cap, and then boss.

Actually, it’s slower, believe it or not. It can take 20-30 minutes to win. Vann/Drek split your cheeks without the towers down and the npc’s can kill you too. People actually play defense, including alliance. It’s more fun than 1.12 av on classic.


That’s the real insult and slap in the face.

They give classic players 1.12, but for the retail players, so they can experience AV in it’s greatness, they get 1.5, meaning they know 1.5 is more authentic.

How is it rational on any level that retail players get the more authetnic AV?

They’re denying the thing classic players want, while giving it to retail players, who never even asked for it in the first place!!!

Nothing drives me more from this game than the company making it!


I just finished my 2nd AV in 12 minutes

Really gratifying

I’ve done a lot of the anniversary runs leveling alts and they are pretty quick. Probably in the 20 min range which is still longer than 1.12 like you are saying.

The super ironic part is a major aspect of the old AV is…adding more PvE to it lol. More and stronger mobs.

I love it.

The whining… My sides…

Thank you Blizzard for the best entertainment all day. The best possible version of AV you could have added.

Just had my longest one yet!

A whole 8 minutes!

No changes #1.12 Gang

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Where is Zyrius and his “but b b but no reinforcements!” gimmick?

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This is not the AV we wanted.


Yep Blizzard went full retard a couple years ago. Just thank whatever God you worship that we got Classic at all.


Someone create a #FixAV thread and get them likes to 1000. I think Blizz can listen if you are loud enough.


AV didnt change, the people did. Back then it was vast, people were new and wanted to explore the bg. Now the fastest way to honor is to zerg rush. Dont blame blizzard, blame the player base.


They flat out ignored this one that has well over 1000 likes:1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

And they outright handwaved the threads that they cited were asking for early AV version in the blue thread, that only got a shade over 100 likes. They ignored the backlash of both NA as well as the EU.

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