This honor change feels very out of touch

My exact experience.

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Just a quick question.

Is this an actual nerf or are we just now getting the amount of honor we should of been getting from the start?

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I was playing with my friends and guild mates yesterday, having an idyllic moment of ignoring work responsibilities because of the honor multiplier.

Since the nerf, the group hasn’t spoken on discord. I will not be joining them today and will be at work, clocking in overtime.

Thanks for making me NOT PLAY WOW BLIZZ. You’ve ruined our friendship and good times, there is no reason to pvp now and no chance to gear up alts using the pvp system.

Convinced nobody at this company can find a healthy medium with any decisions in either version of the game, TBC or Shadowlands. Every change thats been made in either version of the game feels very out of touch. The honor may have been a little high, but who cares stuffs gonna get replaced anyway. Its a shorter pre patch so just let people have fun, it felt very reasonable to get gear and enjoy it a little before its gone for returning players like myself. Now everyone is just going to give up and wait for TBC because its just not worth the time investment, see you in 2 weeks… Maybe!

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the gear gets replaced you dont NEED to obtain the pvp gear. all the whining is a bunch of entitled brats who want every thing gifted to them. how about you play the game.

We where playing the game and having a damn good time with our guilds and in discord.

They said the nerf was to bring it back to what it was “SUPPOSED” to be… except they didn’t there was NEVER a need to 400+ AV Wins in order to get enough honor for Full HWL / Weapons. It was nowhere near even 75 wins before. Now you need 75 wins just for a weapon. its insane,.

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Does this honor stuff just apply to pvp? Or me as a pve player will be affected too?

You are probably the person who complained to blizzard about honor rates. How are you so delusional to not see that the problem isn’t in whether people need or don’t need the R14 gear. It is the fact that the enjoyment of pvp’ing and players having their time respected for enjoyable rewards in a pre-patch that is 1/3 the length of the original has just been completely shattered. No one wants anything gifted, they don’t want things (that you already said WILL be replaced soon so it’s barrier to obtaining should not be mad) unless you are an absolute degenerate for the next 12 days. Use your brain

this. exactly. no point in playing prepatch anymore unless youre leveling a BE or DRaenei


Just wild… i dont even know what to say besides please revert this. Pretty much killed any desire to pvp in prepatch

Arath Basins are now full premade AFK groups… good job blizzard lol

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Amen this is so ridiculous how am I supposed to gear my alts now lol there’s no way I can be online enough to even get my alts weapons wtf… WHY nerf it?? Pls revert this crap

Truth expect more dicks in our salad boys

I wouldn’t mind if it was this difficult to get the lvl 70 blue pvp gear and so on. but I’m just trying to play catch up. I just ended up paying like 600g just to get some ok replacements since there is no way ill get the full rank 14 set. Im just going for the 1 handed wep now since its all ill be able to afford before tbc and i doubt ill cap my honor out after. idk how they would expect people to come in and pay for there boost(most people wont have any gold) get 2 profs up to 300 plus first aid. and farm enough honor in only a 2 week prepatch. at least I had a main to farm mats while i was waiting before pre patch even started.

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even someone with no life feels that it’s a waste of time to farm honor now

#saysomething #fixyourmistake #giveusourhonorback

Activision Blizzard


“While I agree that honor may have been a bit too high nerfing it as much as you did is incredibly out of touch with what the community actually needs. You are giving us 2 weeks to level alts and gear them (via PvP) then nerf the honor gains into the ground so hard that its going to be nearly impossible for anyone with an adult life.”


1,000 times this




Blizzard really doesn’t like any of us to have fun. They should just revert this back to how it was.

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This completely killed my hype for TBC, I was excited for pre patch believe it or not. I wanted to level one of the new races and also grind some PvP gear to get my main ready for launch day. Now I cannot do both, I have to do one or the other. I cannot spend 15+ hours a day in game grinding honor for gear now AND level a new class. It wasn’t much of a task initially but now its made impossible. Not even logging on for a few days, I’m just disappointed man


It’s ruined tbc for a lot of us. No feasible way to gear up your alts now