This "High Drop Chance on First Kill of Day, lol@your alts" Thing For Holidays is Total Garbage

Wow,this is their answer for drops now. Oh boy,that’s not going to sit well.

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The keg for the dragon should of been a holiday currency purchase instead of drop since it’s expansion exclusive.

All the other dragon holiday stuff should be holiday currency purchase as well.

Not everyone dragon rides or cares about it, and it’s expansion exclusive.


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Honestly,I would say they thought a number would help. They really shouldn’t have added a number value.

I think people would be more upset if the mount costed like 10 dailies worth of holiday currency instead of being able to mindlessly farm on alts

Id much rather them just increase the drop for doing it on alts instead. Incentivizing people to not queue for content that has a queue timer is backwards

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Ding ding ding we have a winner.

Why? It works great in other MMORPGs. People have solid goals to work towards during a fun event. Change up the rewards every year, rotate things, add new things, etc.

Tons of ways to keep people interested and engaged without them being annoyed by bad drop chances for years.

3% isn’t much better than 1%. Low droprate items is bad design.

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I use the dungeon to help me gather holiday currency, if it means doing a holiday on one character instead of 20 70’s I wouldn’t complain.


Because its boring and tedious to collect 3000 different currencies. A mix which is was blizzard has is better. I would be much more in support of fail protection then getting rid of all drops.

Guess what people have been asking for for years and Blizzard decided to once again ignore when they came up with this new genius “lol@your alts” system?

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I know this has been asked for.
I never said it was a new idea. I am talking about how making everything vendors is a bad idea. And if he wanted a solution of a better idea its fail protection.

Not to mention it’s something expansion exclusive.


Didn’t say it was. Just saying Blizzard ignored a popular request once more.

Saying “Guess what people have been asking for years” is directly implying that I was saying it was a new idea and you are “correcting” me that its not.

You mean like low droprates? At least with vendors you can get what you’re after. Many I know still don’t have the Love Rocket. Even after the BLP. It’s not fun. It’s not engaging.

And if you could get currency from many different places, it’s not exactly difficult to get the things you want.

Where did I say get rid of all drops?

And why in the name of all that is green and good do you think a 3% droprate is somehow good gameplay?

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You misinterpreted the post. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with Blizzard stuffing a paper bag full of groceries and dousing it with a hose before picking it up.

You advocating to get rid of drops you want and make it a currency. Which means the lined is blurred beyond belief on what you think should be and should not be a vendor.

You are taking about 2 grindy systems BOTH will always suck. You want wanting there to be only 1 grindy system which will make that system suck even more because you will have to deal with it more often. Also they are not more engaging then each other they both have the same amount of engagement. 1 is deterministic. Which is good for logging in and marking a checkbox. RNG is good for the exciting moment when it drops that also has the downfall of bad luck at times.

As good as a vendor.

Do we know that the “new” chance is 3% ? Not trying to be contrarian… just curious.

Maybe it can be both… you might get the drop… but youll always get some currency? NOt trying to dismiss anyone ideas… just thinking with my keyboard.

Maybe I’m on the wrong meds (of course I am), but I don’t get excitement from RNG. I get a sense of “thank god that’s over” since that means the grind is over and I’m done with it.