This guild has disbanded god bless

The guild Pat Cummins would play with

4/9 baby -last dps spot open

I bump this post

final dps trial spot

Rashok going down before reset!

Mage or Warlock? my dms are wide wide open

Now 5/9M lets gooo! Still looking for more

Zskarn goes down this week! Almost 6(basically 7)/9M!

1-2 potential trial spots still up for grabs.

Lets get it teaaam

Warrior dps, boomie, mage, dk dps, enhance

We’re basically 7/9M baby

lmk if you want an Enhancement Shaman bench warmer [ Courbe-Barthilas ilvl443 ] started him up a few weeks ago.

it’s my alt and will be 2nd raiding guild, so possibly not a core spot, unless i’m overperforming xD

Still interested in getting one more player