This game wasn't made for you: WoW vs Casual Players

WoW has so much stratification of difficulty levels and ways for players to progress in many different forms of content and difficult level it’s pretty hard to take anyone seriously so ways they design WoW for the top %.

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simple solution GOOGLE. if you cant use it then your opinion isnt really that important. and thats what 5 6 callings? super easy. casuals have the best chance in WoW to go hardcore if they choose. all it takes is them using the brain power of 0.01% and typing in google.
also the video guys hasnt raided anything above LFR since CN when he did a gray parse of 10 overall in heroic CN. so he doesnt seem to know much on the topic of WoW to begin with and is spitting his hurt feelings he couldnt get into the higher end of the game because he wasnt good enough.

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Feels like they aren’t even doing it for that, they’re trying to appeal to an audience that doesn’t exist to begin with.

Sad people still think this way despite bing told over and over that it’s not what MMO means. All MMO means is a bunch of people playing in the same online persistent world.

It’s like People don’t realize the Vanilla box touted you could play this game solo (or with a friend) because it was actively trying to be the exact opposite of the hardcore game of the day EQ…


Does Blizz have a “core” audience?

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6 callings won’t buy you a 262 or a 291 lego.

The moment you have to Google to succeed at a video game, it’s not “casual”.


No progression on Casuals becoz Casuals are playing it wrong. They cant understand game’s progression mechanics.

Solo is very easy in WoW. To make it harder, Blizz made content that needs to be beaten by more than 1 player… a 5-man dungeon. To make it even harder, Blizz made content that needs to be beaten by more than 5 players… a raid dungeon. This is WoW’s progression path. Easy Solo then 5-man then Raid. So if you seem you are done with Solo and you got the gear from it, the next path is go to 5-man and get its loots. There is no other path next to Solo but to group up to 5-man. If you dont want such mechanics, then make your own game. You want Blizz to change the progression mechanics that has been with WoW since Vanilla 18 years ago. Becoz you feel special and you feel entitled. ROFL.

And BTW, please change the term Casual. I am Casual with less play time and I could do Mythic+ and Raid depending on my time availability. And I am very different to Noobs. I was once a Noob but I moved on long time ago after making thousand of attempts. This thread is mostly about the noobs who are very afraid to group and never had much attempts on group content.


Not even reading further.


18 years and I still have no clue what I’m doing.


you get 3-5k per calling. and the moment you have to google search is the difference between an entitled player and a none entitled casual player. if you want pure casual go play pajama sam or something. you could also idk ask someone in game what to do there are plenty of people who would help myself included. people just dont because they want it handed to them both leggos 80 reknown fully geared and 1 button rotations. thats what casuals want.
using google is like asking big brother to help you beat a boss. you are still casual but just wanting guidance and help.

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I’ve gotten Bells of the Endless feast 4x now. The trinket still doesn’t work correctly, and never has… and I have 4 of them.

I still have a 233 weapon from the last season. I am completely dependent on RNG for a new one. There is no deterministic way for me to get one from PVE content. So I guess I can just spam last years dungeons and see if I ever get one. That really doesn’t sound fun to me.

I’ve gotten tier pants 3x now, all for my legendary slot.

This is game design in 2022? This is seriously the best that the company that made WOTLK and Warcraft III can come up with?

Haven’t logged in today, and skipped the weeks raids because I can’t really perform and I’m having a bad time. I’m just not up for it.

This is how you lose players, and this is how those lost players discourage potential new players from even trying.


compensated no never said that but im not gonna be gaslighted by someone who thinks barring people out of content is right when casuals go through the same grind as anyone else in this game

Wait you just told me get freeby loot when i never said that and now your trying to make a counter argument with korthia and welfare loot which i never did in the first place tell me the reason why conquest pvp gear is purchasable then if your so inclined to telling people off when you dont even know me or know what ive done in this game

and as for your statment about wow is a mmo and not singleplayer ya and everyone should feel like they have access to content not just your politically correct self saying korthia welfare gear were all paying customers

At least you are contented. You didnt bring effort, so your toon didnt get much powers. You accepted your toon’s fate. While others, they are expecting their toons to have greater powers without much effort… They want freebies.

there is a 240 weapon you get get in ZM i think its even in the questline or side quests. also you can ask people to go same spec as you or ask people to trade items they dont need. its super easy and casual friendly for new players.



yup work your way into the raid. want to do heroic do normal want to do mythic do heroic. dont expect CE if you only even did LFR

The problem with this is that if you ask 50 people what a “casual player” is, you’ll get 175 different answers.


Finished those quests, and never got one. There is a low chance for 244 weapons to drop from the Dune bosses, but haven’t done so.

There are new players?


this is how i define it for wow and how most people i know do. casual LFR and +5 keys, semi casual normal +10 keys , semi hardcore heroic +15 keys, hardcore mythic +17 keys

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yeah i just got probably 5 of my friends into the game and they love it. they are already AoTC and they had just joined. and they play for like 9 hrs a week tops. if they had questions they used google or asked they didnt complain they just asked questions and got help. just like everyone should in a MMO