This game is dead!

Literally spending hours in LFG for weeks looking for people to que 2.2kcr arenas.
I alt tab for hours each day waiting for people to play with.

Tried to do +6 key due to boredom, waited almost 2hrs to find a tank.

And every city on both factions are so empty, not sure if its the sharding or what but it feels horrible.
I remember when the cities were packed with 100’s of people.

There is supposedly millions of subs for this game why is it so dead?


Even if you found a group for the key, 2-7 is rough stuff right now. Im not sure your 6 would have gotten past the 2nd boss.

Not speaking to your playing, but mythic plus, especially the lower keys, are in froggin shambles. Also hit only like 1500 and basically gave up on 3s/rbgs months ago for the same reason…

Maybe it’s time to find a more active/helpful guild?


Eh, what a killjoy.

Honestly, it’s always been really annoying to find tanks, I almost think that they should add a Mythic Queue finder that you could do a random mythic+ and progress up through the week like that. Something to help backfill keys so people have an easier time doing them.

Maybe it’s because my guild pugged on a Tuesday but we tried to a mythic run and we couldn’t find enough people who could do it properly. All the dps we were getting were below our guilds Disc priest in damage consistently for example T.T.

I’m really hoping 8.1 can bring a lot of people back, my guild is in this weird spot where we blazed through heroic, had enough to do mythic and then the holidays came and everyone vanished lol. I’m hoping this next tier is more challenging on heroic and on mythic. I used to miss having it where mythic bosses would stand for up to a month before a group finally downed them or longer.


Not every city is empty on the servers I have been on. Could be a server issue or it could be that you exaggerate when you say every city.

One thing that might play into it is the number of cities. We are more spread out now.

Maybe when the portal rooms come into game you’ll see more concentration but even then I would expect a little bit of spread.

Also, you might try some other activities. Perhaps you aren’t doing what others are so you don’t see them?


If the game is dead get your OG game time card and do some CPR on it


On my server it is always busy in cities, out questing, most anywhere. I’m east coast playing on a west coast server and never a lack of people.


Could just be because I’m on a high-pop server, but Dalaran is still busy and Boralus is still laggy at the right time of day.

Honestly I think it has less to do with the game being dead then the fact you are trying to pug 2.2k rating. I feel like most people at that rating have btag friends to play with by now to avoid the toxicity of lfg. I know this is kinda a cliche, but find a decent pvp guild and try out for it or when you do find someone good to play with add them on btag.


This is like millionth time wow have died, oh the doom we all face.


The Game is already dead since Blizzard got rid of Legendaries as a one person thing and is now a requirement of limited time only content, Class Tier Gear is gone thanks to azerite system, Allied Races is a wasted potential feature that should have recruit old allies than abandoning them for stupid ones, Story sucks in some places. Waiting for Warfronts is tedious, Grinding for rep is a chore, and etc.

So the Game is pretty much dead after few weeks of the launch of the Expansion and it already died out quicky.

What city has hundreds of active people in it? org? dead.

And i mean with WM on, i mean who plays online games to slay npcs?

Mythic + is full of people that have the mentality “If you are not better than me i don’t want you in my group” so some people just don’t care if they ever run them. I know i will never step foot in one ever again. And the Horde won the pvp war, so there is not much point in pvp anymore.

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I didn’t even think about War Mode. That is part of your issue.

So I was wondering what city you are hanging out in. I would expect the most populous city to be the current xpac. For as long as I have been playing (which is to say since MoP) current xpac city has the most players in it.

If you are hanging around Org, it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t see a ton of people.

That’s entirely because of CRZ.

org is never going to have a bunch of people because everyone is at the new capital, hell i was at boralus last night and it was filled with people

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Why not actually play a PvP game like a FPS then?

Didn’t even read the post. What killed WoW today, guys? Was it raiderIO again? That gosh darn IO. How many times do we have to tell it to stop killing our game…

Not sure if we’re playing the same game,Mac. I see people running about all the time,chances are most are in the current expansion’s main hubs rather than SW and Org. The Zandalari hub is always pretty full when setting out to do quests or to tank dungeons for guildies. I hop on my alliance toon and I see a decent number in Boraleus doing content or occasionally AFKing as people did in the temples in MoP,Shatth in BC and Dalaran in WotLK and Legion.

If there’s a new hub,the old school cities are always going to seem empty and if the server is high pop you need to add sharding into the mix to relieve potential stress on said servers. If it’s a low pop server,then those are always going to be pretty barren no matter how many people are palying.