I don’t need PvP “advice”, it’s not like I’m some newb at the game. I’ve been a Gladiator many times on multiple accounts, I know how this game works and I play it at a high level.
I’m playing Ret, and So far hunters and warlocks are the biggest frustration with the occasional mage.
Now, do I lose to these classes 1v1? Nope, I usually destroy them in duels or open world/Bg’s.
That doesn’t mean It’s not a frustrating experience being stuck at 5% movement speed, rooted, or just plain do zero damage to them to the point I have to actually just run away and reset.
The problem that I speak of about being stuck in countless CC’s and roots is mostly directed towards BG’s. You go in and get non stop controlled, It’s not fun. I’d like to at least control my character.
Again, this isn’t to say I’m losing, or anything like that. Again, I’m not a newb, I know how to play, and I’m good at it. (Not as good as some, but better than most). I can show you multiple youtube videos where I’m beating vanguards, savix, etc. in Arena fights. Again, I’m no newb.
I’m saying the passive CC baked into a lot of classes rotations is beyond frustrating. Being stuck at 5% movement speed against some of these classes is beyond frustrating. Having overlapping CC’s hit you when you know the people attacking you are just face rolling their buttons without any thought is frustrating.
Sure, can I beat these people that don’t think and just toss everything at me, sure… is it frustrating, yes it is.
It would be nice if CC was something people had to think about using… don’t just bake it into people’s rotation.
CC needs to be a consideration to force people to think about using their trinket, if its worth it based on the coolers they used to CC you. There is no more thought in this game. CC just happens passively. Thats not interesting. It shouldn’t happen.