This forum is a total shame

Why am I laughing? I can’t stop, someone send help.

But if they’re banned they can’t post. also posting about being a moderated is another bannable offense, just saying.

Vigilante justice is never a good thing.

Yeap, read the new Batman comics where the Joker get’s drugged and goes, “good,” for awhile. Batman causes far more damage and threat to life than most of the criminals he stops. The occasional super villain he stops does not make up for this.

The popularity of the Arrowverse would suggest otherwise. :sunglasses:

Anything that brings down these 5,000-long Mutual Admiration Society threads gets my support.

They would come right back to the forum after their 2 day suspension and scream about it, they aren’t moderating the forum fast enough that we wouldn’t be able to see their posts.

I do miss the original forums, like the ones we had in Classic and TBC.

Basic, straight to the point, highly effective utility, and fast. Nice character avatars too.

It’s not the forum. It’s the people. This forum really shows how bad the wow community is these days. Can you even imagine running into one of these forum posters in the game? It’s a very unpleasant experience.

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Do you KNOW that they are? I don’t know, man!

How do you know what they feel like, have you touched them, or asked them?
How would you know what it feels like to not be human,Dons tinfoil hat are you an alien?

The issue with the forums is how you can get banned for the most pointless things

Im glad those threads got locked. Seeing them over and over and over and over and over and over, is like listening to a scratched dvd.

Yeah, I asked an Alliance poster if he wanted his bwah bwah, and got a week ban. That’s like the lamest least trollingly offensive thing I ever said on here.

Well you’re a troll so the effect was multiplied

Ah yes, I am from the Forumi Tribe.

Still locked.

Oh yeah I have been such melodramatic wow how much melodrama.


Just post in rp section :woman_shrugging: I’m sure you’re more than welcome to post there.

Hear hear :+1:

The new forums are farmed out to another company.


And why?

The way they work since the “upgrade” is strange, and I do not care for it.