This event is going to be ruined by next week if blizzard keeps it up

If they don’t come in with some serious changes by the end of the week this event is basically dead.

It’s the most demoralizing thing ever to know that if you didn’t frog farm you’re basically useless compared to those who did.


Have you actually played the event? There’s no threat of it dying


Are you in a competition with those people - is there a rank system and limited time rewards that only the first ‘x’ to complete something will get that you won’t?

Man, it’s not even close to game over, it’s like day 4 of this event and through normal grinding means you can already do almost everything with no issue. By next week most everyone will be able to brute force almost every mechanic on every boss.

You’ve got until August to get everything and it’s legit not that hard.


Please tell me the fun in knowing that someone is playing multiple expansions ahead of you.

That dude is playing wrath and were in Classic power levels.


Oh no :grimacing:

Someone in PvE completely unrelated to me is clearing the same content I will be next week (I’m already done 3/4 of it too).

Ahhhh someone help, there’s someone else who’s stronger than me in a PvE event that in no way affects me!

God forbid.


There’s your change

Two lfr bosses and your daily gives you a big juicy reward that buffs your cloak crazy mad

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How does someone else’s power level impact me in the slightest?


Doesn’t do anything for the 500k bronze we need to get our gear to their ilvl


it invalidates every single button you press in raid with them, to the point of you becoming irrelevant. Your ability to have meaningful impact on the game is removed.


Enjoy the carry


I read someone say yesterday “They might have to start the whole event over” and I cackled because it was so ridiculous. This is a close second. The forums have been an echo chamber of people complaining about frog people. The majority of people don’t care and are enjoying the game. It’s not dead.


it’s a perfect learning opportunity, that you cant be BiS and you can still enjoy the game.

we need that in this community.


Great, that’s gonna happen regardless of these frog farmers. Would you be this upset 3 weeks in when the no-life players would still be miles ahead of you anyways? What about people who join in a month late?


It’s just not fun knowing that their power level is unobtainable…

The event was sold to us as be overpowered, blast through stuff.

Some people can, most cant.


You know the spools are up to 180 or so of a single stat, right?
If the spools were up to 180 threads of various stats, that would be “crazy mad” buffs.


I still out dps the majority of frog famers. But the objection isn’t totally unreasonable. They should make an adjustment to the amount of power, or do something for those who havent.

Frankly with how little ALts get in remix, its kinda killing the desire to play. The spools are a good change, but its not enough.

Good thing there’s no PvP or it might actually effect you.


K? Not everyone did, in fact the minority did… I think I may encounter like 1-2 people a day who did it at most

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I mean considering all the busted powers going into this and not really having to do the content fresh as all MOP content has been out for like 10 years, absolutely solved. We also have massively stat boosted cloaks and levelling experience.

This isn’t a 1:1 with actual MoP. If you want something “challenging” that you won’t out scale in a week go high M+ keys. Not an alt event where you have dragon riding and daily raid reset and bronze to remove the challenge of farming aforementioned mounts and mog.

If you see validation from how hard your abilities hit in a video game doing put content that takes like 30 minutes then you’ve got issues that no amount of frog farming will fix.

What about the fresh 70’s who join a MSV run now a week later and aren’t doing 150-300k dps like your average player but only 40k?

I sure bet they all feel heckin’ invalidated that their darn tootin’ button presses don’t matter a heck of a lot.

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Complains about not being instantly overpowered as soon as they ding max level

Complains that they don’t want accomplishment without effort

I don’t even know what you guys want anymore

Leave the instance and join a new one then

Hell if I know, you’re still going to find something to complain about