This Dell can it run wow well

https: // dot com/site/dell-inspiron-15-6-touch-screen-laptop-intel-core-i3-8gb-memory-128gb-ssd-black/6373813.p?skuId=6373813

I’m pretty sure toasters can run wow.


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On the lowest settings possible, yes. It will run like sh*t though.

Your main issue is that it has no dedicated gpu, not even a low end one. Integrated graphics are a big nono when it comes to gaming.

In short, that laptop is garbage. You’re going to have to get in to the $6-700 range before you find anything decent, even for old games like WoW.


I mean will I be able to play it at high settings cause atm I have asus x540y with an e2 amd and it has trouble playing wow when I have webpages up…

I don’t know about that. I have a gaming PC and a cheap laptop. My laptop is a Dell i5 8GB with no GPU. It runs WoW on the lowest setting pretty smoothly.

No, that you won’t be able to do.

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okay can you tell me what laptop under 400 bucks at bestbuy that will please and thank you. heck even a desktop please help
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It will run WoW Decently, and boot up like lightning. It’s running on a 128 GB M.2, or NVME drive.

CPU is not a bad one, either. This is what she’s running inside:

It should keep up with WoW for at least 3 - 5 years or so.

However, the big problem is the storage. 128 GB is enough for Windows 10, WoW, and pretty much nothing else.

WoW on its own requires 70 GB:

Microsoft recommends you have at least 40GB For Windows 10, but it requires a minimum of 20GB to function.

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When it comes to WoW, you don’t want to skimp on the CPU. WoW, for whatever reasons, is more reliant on the CPU than other games are, which rely more on the GPU. Yes, the GPU is also important, but if you get a good GPU and a poor CPU, you’re going to get poor performance.


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why lol? hows that funny

I can’t. The cheapest Bestbuy laptop I can find that actually beats WoW’s minimum requirements is this one:

Gaming computers are expensive. Sorry :frowning:

They’re trying to mock you.

The truth is that it will be very difficult to find a laptop for under $400 that will run WoW well at all. If that’s a hard limit for you, I would suggest saving money up over time of maybe trying to find something refurbished.

That would run this game ad mid level graphics well.

I run WoW on my Microsoft Surface with 8GB RAM, 256 GB HDD, Dual Core 2.1MHz 1.9 MHz. The touch screen doesn’t work well, though.

I don’t know much about AMD systems, but this is a CyberpowerPC gaming pc and maybe someone could tell you a little more about how it would run WoW.

Hiya OP, I was recently in the same position as you… wanting to get a laptop without spending too much.

I bought a second hand Dell Inspiron Gaming 7557 for $800 AUD (which is like mid $540 usd) and it runs WoW very nicely because of the 1060 Gtx GPU. I can turn graphics up pretty high and I am pretty sure it’ll run the next couple of expansions atleast on a 5 (though I am using 9 atm).

In my opinion I would not skimp out on the laptop specs too much because you may still want to be able to do competitive content on it in the future.

Alternatively there are two other budget options; get a 9xx-gtx range Alienware alpha since they are both cheap and compact or build your own desktop since you can buy used parts.

If you have a budget of $400, then desktop is the only way to go. The absolute best way is to get on ebay and buy a 4th gen i5 or i7 desktop for around $150 or less, then get a new gpu. Make sure you get a computer with a tower case, not a small form factor, because you need to be able to put a gpu inside. For gpu, the best budget really good one is rx570, which is like $150 or less.

One thing to keep in mind when talking about how well budget computers handle WoW:

Different players play the game differently.

A player that spends the vast majority of their time leveling alts, pet battling, and soloing old content for mounts and transmog isn’t going to need a beast of a machine to play WoW at middling settings with decent FPS.

A player actively wanting to participate in Battlegrounds, large scale world PvP, endgame world bosses, endgame raids, and generally not chug a decent amount in more recent endgame player hubs (ie: Boralus) will want a better machine.

I get like 200 FPS in the Worgen Starting zone with max settings.

I get like 90 chilling in my Garrison doing nothing.

I get like 40-70 in current raids. Just depends.

The time period of the areas you’re playing in, the number of people present, and the number of players actively fighting play huge roles in how much your computer is going to be taxed, among other things.

Someone with x computer specs coming in and saying “I get 60 FPS all the time” is almost as meaningless as someone saying “I do x DPS”, because it’s going to vary so much that there’s no way their statement is even remotely accurate for all situations, even if it’s what they looked down and saw at one time.

So, the “WoW can run on a toaster” claims? Might be true for some, and not for others. That, and as time goes on, it’s becoming less and less true, as generic non-gaming computers are keeping up less and less with general modern gaming spec requirements.