Look at this cool action figure! I wish I was this talented!
This is one of the many reasons I enjoy the WoW community: the art and creativity both in game and outside of it is pretty awesome.
Using an old Thundercats Snowman as a base, artist Hobbes Holluck has created a magnificent World of Warcraft Druid werebear form action figure. More than just a mod, this chap is superb. Check it out!
What are some of your favorite creations from fans over the years?
Whoa! Those are fantastic! The detail is great. Thanks for sharing. I’ve never looked into this stuff - actually didn’t know about it, just drawings. Thx for the link.
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The otter mount that a student created:
5,245 votes and 221 comments so far on Reddit
Generally the community’s artwork is a slam dunk.
This…this is otterly amazing…
Here’s a collection from last years student contest. No mounts but still gorgeous work:
Nov 8, 2020 - A collection of all the amazing World of Warcraft Student Art Contest environment finalists! The first pin on the left in each section is the winner for that year, followed up the runner-ups (Notably, 2011 and 2012 had 3 winners and 3...
I do miss when they used to do contests all the time.