This community absolutely sucks, elitest scum

The key to escaping the elitism is to stop relying on them for your content.

Start fostering friendships with the few non-toxic players you find. Hint: they’re the quiet ones in the pugs usually.

Once you have friends, you no longer need to deal with the toxic community.

It takes a little more effort than two clicks + a decline, but it works.


Yes. This is exactly what I meant, thank you.

I haven’t had enough time to actually play this expansion and do any M+ but solo delves have been a great alternative when I squeeze in some late night game play. Brann is trapped with me and can’t quit the instancehehehehehehehehehehehe


I’m getting used to Brann. They really need to give him more than 3 things to say though, he gets on my nerves after the 2 minutes. But at least he can’t kick me!

Honestly though, delves will probably be all I do. I’ve had so many bad experiences that I have panic attacks at the thought of running something with people I don’t know. And I hardly know anyone anymore. Technically, I’m a horrible warrior. I know I’m bad, and I’m okay with it. I have fun, and that’s all that matters to me. So I just keep my horribleness away from the average player, because I don’t have the money to go back into therapy right now.


I have an entire garrison of Orcs in Draenor, and even if say all the Mag’har ones were forced to stay behind for the story and didn’t come to Azeroth with the other Mag’har, still leaves a buncha other orc followers that I’d much rather have around to do Delves with.

Then there are other important characters on the B list of Important Characters I could do Delves with like…

SHOKIA - The Kor’Kron Marksman who nearly 1 Shot Jaina and enjoys Girl Stuff in her off time.

MANKRIK - Slayer of Quillboar, Blademaster, and happily in a relationship with a young shaman.

THURA - Niece of Saurfang and Broxigar, wielder of the Axe of Cenaruius, and mastercraft Quilter.

There are a lot more but these Three are my Top 3 of replacements for Brann.

Yeah imma just stick with solo delves and I won’t shed a tier


Slow clap. Nice word pun.

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Damn it. I didn’t even see it till Gentarn pointed it out. Now I have to give an upvote.

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Purple prose is my instant gorilla punch button.

i’m at 1762 rating as a healer and my pug experience has been pretty decent, but i also mostly play with WME.

4-7 keys are the worst for healing, i have been told.

I get kicked all the time for no real reason from LFG dungeons. No need to sweat it. Just continue with your story quests, farming, PVP, and other activities lined up. If I start to notice the same player booting me for a second time, just place on ignore for 90 days. That usually solves it because the same tank or healer is doing it several or more times over.

Just wait until you get kicked in a follower dungeon, with it being you and 4 NPC’s.

My pride will never recover.


That can happen!?!

I might be kidding.

Or considering how horrible I am at this game, I might not.

I could see myself getting kicked out of a follower dungeon tho, especially since the tank I always get is a human pally that is probably programmed for punt jokes.


Not gunn lie. I love how Brann immediately drops group if you die in a solo delve. I mean he always comes back, but still…


I get insulted if I stop for a second and he starts leaning against the wall.

If you afk too long he falls asleep.

My Brann has taken to yelling at me not to stand in stuff when there’s nothing to stand in. And pulling mobs that aren’t anywhere near the mobs I’m currently fighting.

Truly a 10/10 recreation of what it’s like to do a dungeon.


My Brann keeps throwing heal potions into webs. He’s taunting me.

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