This class is comically worthless in PvP

I couldn’t be less concerned with the opinions of one this crass. You have no real interests, so leave it to the people that do. It will still be viable when people with an imagination greater than that of a chess-bot are done with it.
Incase it eluded you, I’m saying your goals are those of a meta-crutching discount calculator.

I’m not going to be sorry for being honest with people.

I have interests in specs being viable in high end content which most people on this forum don’t play at or have an understanding of.

Like someone buying mplus carries

Still better than being a sub 2k Aff lock that’s not even stacking their best stat :joy:

one person saying lock sucks, everyone else saying it doesnt.
I wonder which side of the story seems more likely? lol

Care to try this again in English?

You really don’t though. What you have is a fragile ego you’re desparately trying to keep propped up with… PvE viability? :man_shrugging: Even if you were the best warlock, thats no more impressive than the world champion bathtub farter.

What can I say, my goals are beyond your wee meta-bot understanding :cowboy_hat_face:

Have it your way. Its probably for the best. Afterall, at the end of the day Im a tourist and you’ll still be here in 5 weeks thinking MR is good design and that people care about mythic ratings :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Poor guy has a Lexile score of like 600 :disappointed_relieved:
Condolences to your state’s NAEP reading average.

Strange thing to say as tourists are, in general, a notoriously ignorant bunch.

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This really isnt an argument rofl.

Your arena achievments are 1550 so you dont PvP.
You also dont PvE so not exactly sure what your “goals” are.

MR is good design because of how the current game is designed. My suggestion is learn how the game works .


I’m sorry that you’re completely missing the point. You claim that because I didn’t bring up mastery, that it must be so garbage that I forgot about it and then you try and play the victim when you get called out on it? But since you are new to warlock, I’ll give you a bit of a history lesson.

You claimed that haste being the primary stat for warlocks for several expansions in a row is lame. Guess what, our two best secondary stats historically have haste/mastery. If you look at all the tiers over the last several expansions, that is primarily what we have used. Even in this expansion, destruction has been haste/mastery with the exception of S3 because Dimensional Rift doesn’t scale with mastery. In S4, DR is gone, so we will probably go back to haste/mastery. Also, as you’re aware, mastery behaves differently for every spec and I didn’t feel like typing out all 3 variants.

It’s not that hard to figure out the logic behind that. There’s no deep state conspiracy to avoid talking about mastery. But feel free to keep trolling when it’s clear that you don’t know what you’re talking about. If you were here to actually discuss things instead of just to flame, bait, and troll, I might care.

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Is Destro the go-to spec for pvp? I’m new to Warlock and have been trying different specs but I’m torn between demo and destro right now.

Both are good but I think Destro is better.

Check out murlok dot io

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There are more warlocks in the top 5000 3v3 players than DH.

Just report his posts at this point and move on.

It’ costs healers mana to remove UA and there’s a huge damage punishment for removing it, that they have spend more mana on , healing that damage. Aff is a dampening spec, you just stay alive and keep dots up

Thank you for that info, just dinged my Affy Lock on Sunday and it seems clunky to me and I usually don’t land kills.

I guess I am saying I am doing it right, just DOT everything in sight and refresh, right?
Right now I am in full honor gear and average 24-30 million damage, is that okay?

In my opinion I think that the 3 lock specs are horrible right now in pvp (and I do play all three). They function well enough to get high ratings but they are not fun.

Destro is only any good because of the tier set which makes DR broken. Saying that locks are fun or good because they are featured in AWC makes no sense.

Haste is the best stat for most casters but it is also a very bland stat.

Destro was much better when CB mattered
Demo needs some sort of burst option and rework of all 3 capstone talents.
Affliction needs dots that actually do more than pad damage.

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I mean, what’s even the point of having the other stats if they’re simply worst options? Maybe a little bit of diversity would be nice. I feel like this illusion of choice is only there to trick new or casual players into picking the wrong option.

Items have just gotten stale in general. But I think it’s an issue that every class has. It would be nice if the topic was brought up to devs. Because I’m certain I’m not the only one who no longer gets excited at all by items.


I don’t understand why people say this. I guess it can be seen as boring that everyone stacks haste, but the alternatives are far more bland.

Versatility = bigger dmg+heal numbers, less dmg taken. Lame.

Mastery = bigger dmg/heal numbers. Are there even specs with cool masteries left?

Crit = 2nd most “'fun” stat. Who doesn’t like seeing more big numbers? Some specs also have cool interactions with crit.

Haste = most fun by far (as a caster). Reduces casting time, reduces gcd (game changing), lowers cooldowns of certain skills for many specs, reduces time between most DoT+HoT ticks and adds more ticks. Similar to crit, more haste means accelerated interactions with many spells / talents / passives which proc things or reset abilities.


A class could be S Tier, well designed, and the forums would still have threads asking for things to be changed / reworked / wish list ideas. You think there’s a class forum where everyone is just making threads to celebrate how good their class is?

A tauren warlock… That’s why you say this.

Destro is excellent but the pve guys fu**ed up the tier set in season 4.