This character has active auctions. Please cancel them and try again"

I am am trying to tranfer a character off Area 52 but keep getting this error.

“This character has active auctions. Please cancel them and try again”

I have ZERO mail, ZERO Auction. I have no caged pets ect. There is nothing on this toon that should be blocking him.


I also have this issue. Cancelled all auctions and retrieved all mail approximately 10 hours ago but I still get the “This character has active auctions” error. This is has been a common issue in the past with “fixes” created to solve this issue but they obviously haven’t prevented it from occurring. Back to the drawing board Blizzard, I’m sick of these queues and lag!

Having the exact same issue here.

by the time they get it fixed free transfers will be over. Typical Blizz

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The exact same issue, on multiple characters!

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I hope blizzard can make a fix for this , I would really like to use my free Transfer off A52.

Start a paid service for your character, then once the blue check out screen pops up exit out of it and then you should be able to do the free transfer.


that actually worked… that is SUPER weird fix.

:frowning: this did not work for me