"This character does not have access to this bank." Warband bank broken

There was a thread started in General Discussion, back on July 30th, titled “Cost of Warband bank is ludicrous!” It’s rather funny to read, considering everything that has happened in the last five months. People had no idea that many guild banks would go poof, or that the next big gold sink would be another brutosaur.

Already took the Icons off my tool bars.
just checked again…
I have so many open bag slots now…
When I open the bank I can see what is there and what I still need to farm to fill it up.
Hours of game play … no need for the warband bank.

Here is ticket response from a GM today:

Game Master Risticohe here.

"I understand that you are reaching out to us today regarding your concerns about the warband bank.
Taking a deeper dive into this I noticed none of your accounts seem to have active game time. While I can’t speak to how this has functioned historically, it is the case that inactive accounts currently do not have access to the Warband Bank, this is working as intended.

If you feel this should work differently you can leave feedback for the Development Team:
As it stands this is not something customer support can/would change.

I sincerely hope that this experience has been informative, if not helpful. If you need help with anything else, please feel free to reach out and let us know."

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You can transfer Warband currencies to any character on any WoW account on your battle.net, but you can’t use your Warband bank.



The warband bank enables transfer of items and gold, similar to trading and the mail. Warbound currency transfer doesn’t do this.

Heaven bid, you’re limited to 1k gold. It’s more about sub money more than anything else. You can’t break the WoW economy with the Warbank on a f2p account.

Removing warband banks from unsubbed twinks seems pretty crappy considering it has zero impact on the rest of the game for anyone and only encourages new blood of players to explore old, empty and forgotten maps of the game by collecting old, useless mats and items.

They could have just implemented a couple restrictions to its use (like limiting the amount of daily-weekly gold or items you can deposit-withdraw) instead of an outright removal of the feature for unsubbed accounts.

Hell, even allowing the use of the gold in the warband bank for buying the occasional token (not a single month of gameplay) which literally translate to someone paying 20 bucks.

Twinks are literally populating the empty maps of most of the game at this point, why not just allow people to collect mats and explore and make old areas of the game feel alive.

They’re entitled to roll back things even further to unsubbed accounts for sure and I think I shouldn’t be surprised if that eventually is the case.


I think the only that really sucks about it is I dumped most if not all my money in the bank because it’s something I’m used to doing in other video games. I figured if I ever get the itch to try a new class or race that money could be handy for a new toon, now it’s just sitting there. No warning.

I’ve made my peace with this change, It’s a brief good thing only to be gone the next week.

Well, XOF to me I guess and to you too Blizzard.

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It’s all good, Blizz. I only have 1k marks of honor now stuck on my f2p account. /s

I could understand them deciding to make this change, even if I don’t agree with it. But to make the change without giving players any advance notice is completely unprofessional.

This combined with all the bugs and data losses that we have been forced to suffer through the past few months makes me think that the company’s leadership just doesn’t care.


Ah, yes, another unannounced change by Blizzard. Well done. /golf clap


What feels sour about this is that warband banks are nothing but a little convenience that makes wanting to TRY different toons easier, potentially encouraging resubbs and has no impact on paying players, or the realm economy.

Again, a few restrictions like the amount of gold or items you can deposit-withdraw a day would have sufficed for unsubbed accs. I hope they even consider it.

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Like I explained in another thread the other day:

Basically, bot networks could farm ~3mil gold per month per fully slotted bnet account (8 wow licenses per bnet account) and you’d only need to activate game time on one of those accounts every once in a while. Like you cold farm to gold cap while inactive, then once you hit the gold cap, you’d add game time to one of the licenses, move the gold around or do whatever you want with it, then go back into farm mode.

This change breaks that behaviour and rightfully so. It’s pretty easy to make 1000g in two hours and it’s also a lot easier to hide botting operations when you have a network of bots stochastically farming seemingly innocuous things.

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All of this is easily preventable without having to fully remove the feature for unsubbed accounts.

Cap daily gold deposit-withdrawn to 1k per account.
Cap daily item transactions to 10.
Cap unsubbed account licenses to WoW1.

That nerfs the whole thing to a lengthy 30k a month per bnet account making it a waste of time for gold bots, gonna take almost 3 years non stop to even hit 1M gold like that. There, not that hard.

Yeah I also mentioned some potential ideas of things they could do with the system, but for now, this is probably their main easy fix until they crunch some numbers behind the scenes to see how to modify the system to prevent exploitation.

But they could also just keep their foot down and not allow unsubbed accounts to continue to accumulate gold or to access the warbank, without paying for a sub. Before warbank was a thing, trial/unsubbed accounts were just as locked out as they are today, so it wouldn’t surprise me to see them keep it this way. It’s technically the correct thing to do, it just bothers people because they got used to be able to circumvent the normal trial/unsubbed limitations, and then that functionality was taken away.

Kind of, however, I do believe is good to have new players try things in a bit more depth, level 20 twinks breathe a bit of life into the old maps which are almost barren now and is pretty sad considering how much is now long forgotten behind old mats, quests and zones…

Allowing players to toy around gathering mats and exploring among a handful of trial characters can give an encouragement to sub and see the full potential of their exploration.

But yeah, they will most definitely just put their foot down and block it altogether.

You still can, it’s just bound to that single character and that makes the most sense given the track history of what trial/unsubbed accounts can and can’t do. You can easily still have more than enough room in the bank. Pretty sure you can buy all or most of the slots, including the reagent tab as well. It’s been a while since I’ve paid attention to the costs, so I don’t know if the prices of the slots has increased or not, but I don’t think any of them cost more than the 1000g limit on a trial character.

In terms of farming transmogs and what not, you can unlock transmogs for any armor type on any character by vendoring it. So there isn’t even that excuse anymore of needing to put it in a warbank to equip on another class.

Most of the potential new people that would be on a regular trial account(not a returning player playing on an unsubbed account) wouldn’t really be worrying about a lot of those kinds of things anyways.

They want your money, simple as that.

They don’t even care about paying customers, as if they’re going to throw a bone to people not paying them a sub fee.

Best bet is to ditch their dumpster fire and move on to greener pastures. Or just play it as they have it I guess.


They do, that’s part of why they are trying to combat bot farms that ruin the game’s economy.

This game’s economy is not centered around f2p accounts, which is why they don’t allow them to access mail or the AH. By allowing bot farms that rely on trial/unsubbed accounts to still latently influence the value of items and gold, where they can farm massive amounts of gold for free and then activate for a month to cause havoc on the economy, that typically has a negative effect on the economy and experience for others in the game.

I am sorry, i tried to understand this logic but it is so absurd that it brought me out of hibernation.

  1. if someone found a reliable way to earn that much at low levels per month then they can already can keep up subscriptions and keep doing it.
  2. if there is a reliable way to earn that much: do a simple database filter for Grey items / crafting materials. If vendor sell price 1g or above – change value to 1 silver. Done.
  3. Any older zone that still has hyper respawning mobs should not have those. 99% of time there is no use to those respawn rates now apart from system abuse.
  4. if any account runs for over 18 hours straight day after day or close to it, has constant actions on going, if said bnet account gaining gold at rapid rate, if it is running x8 license at once, if it is trial or new account = it is a bot. System should instantly auto lock it for revision.
    That is it. i just can not imagine they are incapable of filtering this with 5 mouse clicks already.
  5. If there is any indication for gold abuse to wow license – simple change to ToS that mentions a nuke to entire bnet account would do the job.
  6. This change completely disregards paying accounts that used lapsed accounts to store materials/tmog or other items of interest. There was nothing abusive in majority of cases to it.
  7. Block gold deposit if you incapable of solving it. Why would you 100% block item deposit/withdrawal. Absurdly, you are still able to craft with reagents that are now stuck in warbank but unable to withdraw them.
  8. Warband bank is a copy past of guild bank system but on account level. All the guild control options are surely remaining and thus account status can be added to ranks with dedicated limitations with ease.

If anything above is hard to achieve then it is back end tools problem. Bot issue is not being solved because it brings money. They need it with 1 hand and don’t need it with another. They can be draconic about it and solve it within a week but instead they stoop to this kinds of silly things. I just hate to see this types of behavior out of no where & especially after they made what 135+ million on a mount.

I personally lost nothing by this change.
All my low level characters on US and EU was set for life long before this.
My interest in gold or mailbox simulator is lacking in general.

All and all nothing can defend this change in its current form.
I am sure however there will always be those who will try to.