This anti-titan narrative is ridiculous

In the eyes of the titan it would have been, The keepers had been all corrupted or tricked into serving Yogg Saron, The forge had been captured by loken and was now spitting out troops in service to the Old gods. From Algalons perspective all known defenders were gone or unavailable IE Odyn. the old gods would be released shortly as no one was left to stop them.

We were an unknown factor as he had never seen mortals defy the old gods corruption like we had. Hence when we defied him and the Old gods he saw that the planet still had defenders.

If you are talking about the books with the notes from another writer, then yeah those are ridiculous. They sound like a religious fanatic scribbling notes all over a Charles Darwin book

You can do Algalon after Yogg, so all of that can already be solved when he decides it’s too corrupted.

The Titans aren’t “good” per say. They had an agenda for this world… including it’s reformatting and obliteration if it didn’t measure up to their specs. We’ve known that since Ulduar.

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I mean titans obviously had their own goals but weren’t altruistic in their actions either. they didn’t just go around eradicating life for poops and giggles. They just followed their nature to order worlds and birth other world souls. Their literal existence is reliant on birthing worlds.

The problem is all it takes is one old god. Without any other rival, Yogg could easily overwhelm the world and if he won and turned Azeroth, it would be ALL of creation that would be destroyed.

People tend to treat the Reorigination protocol like the titans arbitrarily wiping the slate clean because it deviates from their standards of Order. Except it’s not. They accommodate all sorts of deviations from their design, as long as those deviations don’t threaten the existence of everything else. Otherwise they’d have just destroyed the troggs as a failed creation instead of keeping them alive, or destroyed the Elemental Lords once they were no longer able to regenerate on Azeroth instead of leaving them imprisoned in the Elemental Plane.

Reorigination is keyed to respond to catastrophic failure, not just deviation from Order. Stuff like demons or Old Gods overrunning the planet - neither of which they had reason to think could be stopped internally, and have only been stopped on Azeroth because it’s “special” and has withstood these things when all other so afflicted worlds fell. Literally one of Azeroth’s longest-standing claims to fame since WC3 is that it’s the only planet out of trillions invaded across the cosmos to have successfully resisted the Burning Legion, and that’s translated into successfully containing the unchecked spread of the escaping Old Gods.

Otherwise, everywhere else that the demons showed up, it was curtains for the natives and their world unless the assigned Constellar managed to call upon the Pantheon’s champions in time to prevent things from getting irreparably ruined. So basically they scorched worlds clean because there was nothing left for a hands-on correction to save and anyone still alive would presumably be trapped in an unmitigated horror show of suffering and terror at the hands of demons or the Void and hoping something would just end their torment.

Basically the Constellars’ purpose was twofold. If things started falling apart, they could call upon Sargeras (and later also Aggramar, then only Aggramar) to intervene and more narrowly cleanse the problem by wiping out the source. That’s the first purpose. The second was Reorigination. So with those two options in existence, if a Reorigination was initiated instead, it logically meant that corruption had gotten so far out of hand that not even the Pantheon’s champion(s) coming back to selectively fix things would be sufficient. I.e. there would probably nothing left to save.

Azeroth nearly got Reoriginated because it’s basically a singularity of unprecedented resilience, where events that would have left any other world irrevocably corrupted and overrun by malignant agents of Disorder or the Void have been driven back and/or contained by the locals. It makes sense that Algalon deemed Azeroth too far gone at first because on literally any other world with such extensive corruption widespread imbalance, that would have actually been the case.

The standards by which any other world would already be doomed are uniquely subverted by Azeroth. So while Algalon erroneously applied that same standard in Ulduar, the bar by which the titans and their servants deemed Azeroth no longer salvageable basically does apply to the rest of the known universe, so it’s entirely rational for them to have thought the same in Azeroth’s case. Azeroth’s survival against the odds doesn’t make their prior decisions to burn doomed worlds an unnecessary erasure of life just for not meeting their standards of Order, because Azeroth’s continued survival and resistance to widespread systemic corruption is explicitly an anomaly. Azeroth’s the exception. Everywhere else that this sort of stuff happens, once the titans’ own safeguards have been overwhelmed or subverted there’s nobody left who can stymie the corruption’s advance. So naturally with the Pantheon’s safeguards on Azeroth in such a shambles and symptoms of active Old God corruption - as well as demonic incursion - all over the place, by all existing precedents Algalon had every reason to think at the time that Azeroth was just as doomed.


While I see where you’re coming from, to be fair the “purge all life on the planet” was a last resort only enacted if the Prime Designate died and Algalon found Old God corruption. Due to Loken’s machinations (taking the Prime Designate role from Odyn and tricking the PCs so either he kills them or he dies and Algalon kills everyone), Algalon was called to Azeroth to do “re-origination”.


Exactly. I mean the ‘all is fine’ protocol even allowed an ‘Prime designate was killed by accidental means’ scenario. Algalon only came down when Loken (whom made himself Prime Designate following Odyn leaving Ulduar) died. Then he assessed the planet. If it was just an accident, he would just send the ‘all is fine’ signal. However he found systematic corruption at the core. That is why he was going to send the ‘purge it all’ signal until we proved his pure logical calculations were not so accurate.

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Or to be more accurate to have agendas which aren’t necessarily wholly centered on the well being of the worlds they created and/or modified.