This action is restricted on wow classic whitemane


i am getting the error this action is currently restricted.
i cannot trade with other players. other players can trade me and i can accept though.
i cannot use the auction house to buy items.
this has been going on for about 4 days now.

wow classic whitemane. the character im posting on.



You will not get a response. This is a known issue and seems to be on purpose. Lots of people got screwed over from this, myself included. They ruined the game for us.

Supposedly, we have to wait 30 days of game time, then log out for 12 hours minimum, and the restrictions will be off….but many people have reported that they are past the 30 day mark and still have these restrictions.

Good luck getting anything but a form letter from them including a form letter accusing you of violating the terms of service. It was a bait & switch.

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