Outrage before research… how passe
Does any quest in WoW tell you the reward from the final quest in the chain right at the start?
Thank you king
I didn’t really take part, I have everything from the Anniversary.
It’s still raining tokens, I guess I’ll buy the bags of mats with the left overs.
Complaining that something sucks when you haven’t even bothered to look into what’s actually going on is peak WoW forums.
/chef’s kiss
I got like every reward with tokens, you get like 50+ a week plus u can spam TW dungeons which you can easily get 100 tokens a week
You can get far more than 14 tokens a week. A lot of the primary weekly quests give 8 each. You can get a lot.
thats only if you complete the achievement. the first 100 is still a slow process.
You’re doing something very very wrong
They are extremely easy to get. Last boss in raid gives 10 or 15. Weekly quest gives 10, timewalking dungeons give 2/dungeon that’s spammable and dungeons take 10 minutes to complete… i level spammed my alt 70-80 last night and got 40+ from just spamming the timewalking dungeons.
Bunch of other dailies, weeklies give them. They are extremely easy to come by.
Tis a shame the heroic gear couldn’t be upgraded to like 630-633. Would have been good gear to tide people over till 11.0.7/11.1. The original overtuned difficulty would have been more justified too if gear was better - or could be upgraded slightly farther than hero track.
Good event though. I was happy to see Lorewalker Cho telling stories.
Yea until you hit the 100 token achiev.
And 14 tokens a week isn’t even half of what you can obtain. You can hit the 100 achievement in 3 weeks. A lot of us did.
Then you can easily get over 100 tokens a week.
Like I haven’t been able to buy anything for almost a month now? (I have everything)
Tl;dr don’t blame the game when you didn’t even bother to look up token gains.
It’s really not; Like I got 30 in my first week and I wasn’t even trying to get complete, further they rapidly increased the payout after that making getting to 100 a breeze.
Like heres a simple list of things you can do to get bronze:
Korroks: 10
Gatecarashers: 8+1 for each of the bosses (potentially 14 if you do them all)
Kill Queen: 3
Kill Dagni: 3
Time walk: 2 each and has a payout at the end as well.
Codex: 2.
The Guest relations quests: 5 each and theres around 11.
weekly events in Khaz elgar: 8 each (with 5 total giving a total of 40)
That’s like 114 without factoring in timewalks which you can spam in perpetuity.
I think you can convert the surplus into tw tokens. Which might be the smart move since they keep adding new items.
I know that is what I am going to do once we near the end of the event.
Yeah I have a few hundred anniversary tokens with nothing else to buy so I’ll probably do this too. It’s nice that they added that as an option.
No it should be pretty fast at this point.
Yup. Like I’ve gotten a couple thousand extra which has made purchasing high end items and mounts a frikkin breeze.
Or you could just help set them straight.
What? I have been done buying everything you can with tokens for what feels like weeks now. You get tokens from everything on your alts once you hit that break point and achievement.
That and its a good time to just stockpile ooooor upgrade looms.