Third Spec: Bow Wielding?

Im pretty sure bows and guns are considered 2 different weapon types in WOW. Just like in classic how Shamans can wield 2hand maces but not 2handed swords.

A bow would be lame compared to the ranged attack they originally had.

Disagree duel wielding bows bro… think about it. Its lit

They’re two different weapon types.

Not sure what you are referring to, but bow as the main weapon doesn’t mean they would be incapable of ranged, chaos based attacks as well. Especially during Meta.

Bow is just a way for them to shoot fel\chaos magic long distance, I would expect demon form to be like Warcraft 3 ilidans form which is range and just shoots out energy balls.


Thats Alari the soul eater. She is more of a fel-mage and what I’m basing New ranged demon hunter 3rd spec off of. She weilds a scyth


Ace Hunter Kreen is not a WoW NPC

Please read the rest of the thread. We’ve already covered this under “cannon.” :joy:

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I would love to wield a scythe like allari. I think if they add a 3rd class it will be a support class, maybe that debuffs instead of buffs like an Aug. At this point you only bring a Havoc for raid for chaos brand unless their DPS like this season is s tier.

A ranged support class would be cool and can fit thematically. I would vote for a scythe. Maybe toss it like glaive toss and tempest to do ranged attacks/debuffs with bleeds etc.


I’m baffled that a post with THIS as the justification got this much traction. Yikes.

They should make a 3rd spec like Void Hunter (like Alleria), giving us a bow option and maybe put the class back in the lore.


Honestly what they should do for a third spec is the pre-Legion Demo Lock Metamorphosis focus. But DH in general needs a huge overhaul to try and establish some deeper mechanics other than “Push button on CD”


I’m baffled you thought THIS was a necessary response. Yikes.

Perhaps read the rest of the post where it gives other justifications, or maybe… include why you think that particular justification is bad instead of leaving a pompous remark that adds absolutely nothing to the thread.

If you want ranged then it would be more appropriate to be a caster who wields chaos, like a destro lock. Otherwise…no bows!

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Says the hunter who wants to keep their monopoly on bows. :joy: I kid…

Really though, I don’t think it would be more appropriate. DHs currently fight using a healthy mix of physical attacks and chaos magic. Moving towards a straight caster goes against that. Utilizing a bow still provides that mix of physical+chaos.

Strap a bow string on that glaive and we’re good to go!


I liked the inverted scythe, Allari the Souleater style.

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God no to void spec
If anything maybe a glaive throw focused spec with some ranged magic spells and a meta form that can melee and use ranged magic. Maybe some elements of stealth/ambush? Idk it’s really unneeded as we’re already the coolest class with only 2 specs. No need to step on the toes of other classes’ roles and rub it in

It’s bad enough that we have to share Mail Armor with the Dirt Eaters (Shamans) and Scaley Boyz (Dracthyr). Why do little dragon people even need armor? They have scales.

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I know this will be unpopular - but I can absolutely see a 3rd spec that’s a support class. At this point I think bliz has to lean into the support thing. No way it is limited to one spec forever.

If you read the illidan book / war of the ancients trilogy you realize that Illidan one was of the greatest mages of all time before becoming a DH. Even as a DH the amount of magic he does would shock you.

I could see a support spec focused on sigils. These sigil provide buffs and stuff to your party / raid.


That sounds a lot like the Chronomancer from GW2. I like the way that spec plays, I just don’t know if I see it for DH.

I’m thinking Blizz regrets adding a support spec and will stay away from expanding on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Augmentation goes through a rework to remove the heavy focus on support, and they instead toy with support through hero talents.

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