Alliance here. Looking for a friendly higher pop realm to transfer to. I’m hardcore casual, meaning that I play a lot, but no longer raid or do many dungeons. I’ve been on the same realm group since I started, so don’t really know other servers.
So, my questions are: What are the queues like in general, at new content patches, at new expansions?
What is your AH like? Xmogs? Mats (old and new)? Current gear and consumables? Is it higher or lower than average? If I was looking for something hard to find would I be able to find it here?
Was this originally PVE or PVP realm?
If I turned on trade chat, would I be bombarded with anal spam/politics? Yes I know I could put a character on here and watch, but this isn’t peak time right now and I have plans for later today and tmr.
Are there any casual/social guilds that low level raid?
Any boosting guilds if I wanted an AOTC boost?
Is it famous/infamous for anything?
Anything else that you would want me to know about the server?
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I will try and answer your questions, sorry if I miss one!
- I haven’t experienced any ques this entire xpac. I did during Legion, but it was short lived. Even when I did, it was really fast.
*AH is pretty healthy, I make a good amount of herbs. I have toons on Zul’jin and it’s pretty similar.
*Its a PVE server, and on EST, FYI.
*Trade now a days seem to be the boosting people from Houkan, which I have a long block list of those. I see them on my other server as well…I am hoping they have a nice spot in Hades for them in time. Past that, you’ll see some guild spam and the occasional political post. Like most that seem to play WoW, everyone is a political science major and know everything about politics…j/k. Seriously though, its not to bad.
*Plenty of casual guilds, right now its been hard to find many where the xpac is winding down, but there are plenty if you look.
*There used to be boosting guilds a plenty, but I haven’t seen as many of late. I am sure we have them, just not as vocal atm.
*Heavy ally server. I think this one and Stormrage have the highest Alliance pop.
I do enjoy it. Even on the Horde side, it’s not to bad. Like most all servers, right now it’s a little slower with the xpac coming to a close. If you do make the switch, you are more than welcome to hit me up. Our guild is pretty laid back and friendly. I too, am a casual player these days.
Good luck! FYI, if you have more questions my btag is Volsball33#1490
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Hi Spagetti, I came here from Llane (a dead server) where I started back in BC days. I’ve played other servers and still have two toons on Llane, two on Malfurion (active) and like you not I am pretty much casual do what I want player. I play both Alliance and Horde now on Dalaran with family playing horde. I found the AH very reasonable and am very active on AH since I’m a profession junkie with many toons. I also found a very friendly alliance guild. If you need anything you can whisper me @ WuZup#11445
ps. something I had done is make a new alliance human and go to SW and check out Trade Chat and AH of various servers. Also check the server time and language. You can always delete the newly made toon after.
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Thanks for the info. I won’t be making a move until after patch 9.2. I’m thinking about Dalaran, Stormrage and Sargeras.
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