Thinking of SoD - Change my Mind or Persuade Me

Edit: I’m now playing SoD and I’m having a blast. The rune vendor at lvl 1 is awesome. I will never go back to normal wow’s ridiculous grind and weak classes. SoD = The way.

First off, I played a hunter in SOD back when they raised to cap to 60. It was fantastic. Probably the most fun I’ve ever had in WoW. I generally just enjoy being powerful in any game tbh and runes are awesome. I quit b/c my Ony attunement quest was bugged and despite re-doing the quest 3 times and working with support for 2 weeks, it continued to be bugged and I couldn’t get attuned. That was back in Aug or Sept, I don’t remember…

Then Classic Anniversary launched. I am mad at myself for spending so much time leveling and getting full pre-bis in Classic Anni because I hate it.

  • I hate the experience grind
  • I hate the gold grind
  • I hate not having runes
  • I hate the army of leather warriors “tanking”, meaning I can’t dps without aggroing.
  • I hate running the same dungeon 50+ times to get a crap item that doesn’t even compare to anything that SoD offers.
  • I hate the immature toxicity that exists on Nightslayer Horde. Literally lost faith in humanity.
  • I hate “HR” “HR” “HR” “HR” “HR” “HR” “HR” “HR” (aka help me rob the bank and I keep all of the cash)
  • I hate raiding because, let’s wait once a week and maybe get 1 item
  • And most importantly probably, I hate being weak compared to how powerful I was in SoD.

I just hate classic and I’ll honestly never play it again and I blame SoD for showing me a more fun version of the game.

I’ve played 8 hunters to level 60, all classic (1 of which in SoD). And I’ve never played anything else. I would like to play a paladin.

I don’t know if I’m too burned out to continue WoW but I do know that I’m probably done with my Classic Anni adventure.

So I’m Thinking of playing SoD - Change my Mind or Persuade Me


Go outside and take a break from this game dude lmao. You clearly dislike WoW, so do something other than play WoW


well your choices

are SoD
where we don’t know if there is prog past scarlet enclave. so, there is a high possibility you wont get to experience much.

a plus here if you want to play paladin you have more choice in viability in SOD

and fresh
with the way prog is accelerated to basically a new tier every month. its not really worth the investment to raid. Basically its a TBC waiting room

so, my suggestion would be to play SoD for Naxx and Scarlet Enclave and kara crypts then if their is nothing new swap to fresh for TBC.

or touch grass


Sounds like SOD already won.


Well they recently added a rune vendor to the starting areas. So everyone gets all their runes at level 1 now. So now would be the time to level an alt.

Or you could throw your computer in the lake. And become a mobile gamer.


You don’t need persuading. You explained it really well. Lots of pros for playing SoD and zero cons.

(Not knowing if you are burned out on the game in general isn’t a con, it’s a reason to try the mode you think is fun to see if it makes the game fun again).


I quit in Sunken Temple.

I played classic 2019 until Vanilla. Raided until BWL, hated every second of it.

Made a new pally, ret. Leveling was fun, swapped prot towards 60. Currently tanking AQ40s. Best decision ive made was switching to SoD.


Sod IS the best version of WoW right now. Its not perfect and still need more changes but its great.

Im grinding the r14 and the Challenge is way easier than in era, shamans are Broken in pvp but i’m having a blast just playing and defending bases to 1200 points in arathi basin as alliance, we get 3 marks that are turn for 7500 honor plus the honor in the bg that is very good. Win rate for alliance is like 20% but taking 1200 points is like a win.

Alliance is always needing feral druids, you Will find spot even in greens as feral.


Don’t come back to SoD. You will have to much fun.

You can join a MC group and get 5 or 6 pieces of tier in a single run as well as 30 reals.


I only ever played a rogue. I mained 2 rogues at different times because u didn’t have time for anything else. I tried different classes up until lvls 4, 5, 6 or 10 but never past that. This was back in WotLK. I never played Cata or any other expansions for RL reasons.
Then many years later I heard about this SoD thing which was classic WoW but with runes and other things in the original world that make the original game I played much more interesting. I made my rogue again. Leveled him up na did things with him. Then I tried other classes, which made the game new to me in many other ways because I never played any other class, but SoD makes playing them even more fun.
Come back to SoD and play your paly. You will love it. Try other classes also. You will have even more fun.


Sod is for extremely wheelchair players and generally strangle ppl irl


Those players are playing anniversary realms where they belong with a 10 seconds fight in MC

Shaman are a pretty overwhelming con.

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SOD is better than Era in every way and currently the best version of WoW.

Hope I persuaded you OP.


It took me to level 40 to realize how crappy anniversary is. No runes, no quality of life, terrible class balance and unviable specs.

The good news is hunters pump even harder this phase with 4 piece t2.5. Who cares about ony? You don’t need to do it.

My whole guild jump ship to Fresh. I joined a new guild to continue with SOD. I’m super happy with SOD. Fresh has nothing for me. I will miss my guildies but you play what you enjoy at the end of the day.

I feel like the shineness of anniversary is quickly fading. Phase 2 has been released without BGs so the game has become a total unplayable gankfest for anyone not a bisgeared lvl 60

not gonna lie, i want to kill all of you.


in game.

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did you know that undead are the worst race in pvp. proof? they wouldn’t be undead had they not died in the first place.

it’s a misconception that the undead have died. you see, the undead are actually humans who refused to die. their will is so strong, they stared Death in the face and said, “not today”. the undead are literally the strongest humans that have ascended to greatness. not even Uther was strong enough to defeat death. every undead is a stronger human than Uther.

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