Thinking of renting this computer

This is good advice I tell people myself. Never buy something unless you can pay for it upfront or really need it. It’s very common to pay 2x or more for the same item if you use payment plans from Finger hut and all of the others that work like that.

Just save up what you can and buy something when you have the money. You can get PC’s from Amazon for like $700-$800 that run WoW on max graphics just fine and upgrade it later if you need to for more demanding games.

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Just go to a website that builds custom gaming PCs (ibuypower .com) and buy one, you can pay monthly or buy it outright if you want, you’ll be paying about the same as you would renting a computer. But then again, I live in USA and not Australia so I don’t know what the price differences would be.

With you being in Australia, I am not sure what computer stores you have there. Dunno if you have NewEgg, but you could try that site too.

When I got a new job assignment, I was required to build a computer and given $750.00 to do so. I don’t remember all of the specs, but it has a decent 8 core processor, a 4-6GB Radeon Graphics card, standard ATX motherboard and a cheap as crap (but very functional) case. The only thing I did not buy with the $750.00 was a HDD, but mechanical HDDs are cheap as heck these days.

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That’s a pretty hefty profit. Almost like what they charge for payday loans.

yeah I just watched some youtube videos and decided to take the risk and build one with parts. It was a bit nerve racking but not I am very comfortable with computers and upgrade or repair them when needed.

Yes, NewEgg is the site I wanted to say but I couldn’t think of the name since it’s been 6 years, that’s where I got my built computer from.

How did it turn out? I did the same thing about three years back and now I have built two more since then without a single issue.

really well. I build them all the time now :grin:

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I feel like this sort of thing should be illegal because it really is a scam. Save up and you can buy an okay refurbished computer from a reputable guy on kijiji or craigslist. You can get a decent computer for 400 bucks this way.

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Australian laws. Dunno what they have going on down there, but yeah, I agree 100%. That is tantamount to theft, in my view. It’s no better here in the US either.

OP, personally I think that you would be better off just buying your own parts and building it. This way you have the freedom to choose exactly what you want and then can buy the pieces as you can.
for 3,169.00 you could build a high end desktop. What they are offering you for that price is way, way overpriced.
Also, Newegg has a lot of decent comps that can run wow for around 600.00 last time I checked (though, it has been a while). Good luck!

Well, renting is a big thing when it comes to prices. It is like applying for a loan to get money fast, there is interest and stuff. Now, companies here not only have interest to loan the products, but they have to buy the product to loan out and have to make a profit as well and pay taxes.

But things in Australia are quite different to the USA as I have heard.

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You can buy components on Newegg to build a really good computer fairly cheap and if you keep an eye out you can catch items on sale. Most of the components are relatively inexpensive so you can buy small parts while saving up for the bigger items.

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Instead of paying that $22 a week put that amount to the side if it’s something you can budget and then buy a better computer with the money.

Rent to Own is such an awful deal for the consumer.


3.2 GHz sucks. 8 GB sucks. 1050 sucks.

You can build a computer that plays WoW more than well enough for around $1,000. The computer I am on right now I built for $600 a year ago (already had the case/monitor/keyboard/mouse) and it runs it perfectly fine on middle ground settings. That computer you want to “rent” is rubbish.

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The computer I’m on now I built for Warlords of Draenor for ~$1200. I’ve since upgraded to a larger capacity SSD, newer model video card, and fairly nice monitor. It plays WoW perfectly fine on Ultra settings.

That’s pretty close to what I have and it plays WoW just fine. Better than fine.

Make one. A better one than that.

*OP, if you are unable to build your own for whatever reason, you can always go to your bank, apply for a credit card and buy one that way.

If you do that, use it only for that and make double the payment each month.
Once it’s paid off, you don’t use it again unless for emergency.