Thinking of maining guardian

Do they make a good main? Been having fun with EC. I feel pretty tanky so far in heroics and I like the self healing. I always hear how they are the “easiest” tank or spec in all of WoW which has me concerned I’ll quickly grow bored. However, it seems the ability to shift forms, brez, and various other tools could make for some fun stuff to do.

Stop playing it safe and you wont get bored. This goes for every tank

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Like he says, i did a build without ironfur, its a lot less safe :laughing:
Seriously i main Druid, because its 10 times more fun in open world, and having 4 different spec is just great, if you ever get bored you just swap to a new role


Open world as a Druid is by far the best.


Guardian is fun. I am trying out Balance currently, but I will definitely keep trinkets. a weapon, and whatnot to go Guardian for dungeons.

Hop in there and test yourself. Are you bored because the current content is trivial? Would you be bored on another tank? Pull that extra pack from what you normally pull and see if you can survive it. Tonight is the time to test it before M+ opens tomorrow.

I’m not actually bored. As a matter of fact, I’m finding it rather fun. I’m only concerned that it’ll become boringsince it’s supposedly the ‘easiest’.

Personally I like that guardian is easy to play. It allows me to focus more on the dungeon and mechanics of whatever content I’m doing rather than trying to execute a perfect rotation.

i’ve been really enjoying it, they have 3 distinct builds i’ve been able to find so far (EC arcane thrash, EC no arcane thrash, and claw physical) and they all play fairly differently and have been fun to build around. the hero talent builds have gone a long way to reducing the boredom of the spec without overcomplicating its rotation or tools, i think they struck a really good balance there.

to me, guardian druid feels like the right level of complexity. i’ve played every tank spec at least through heroics, and a lot of them just feel clogged with busywork buttons while guardian feels more concise (the only spot of bloat for me is the thrash/swipe/raze area. do we really need 3 different close range aoe slashes?), and a well talented frenzied regeneration and ironfur give you very direct control over your healthbar and incoming damage, though the general lack of passive armor, shield/block, and other passive mitigation keep it so you cant just auto pilot or you will fold like a cheap suit. after having played every tank through heroics so far this expansion, guardian is my favorite.

i like feral a bit less, and balance MUCH less, and as far as healing goes (i dont generally enjoy healing) resto is decently engaging but doesnt feel as bloated to me as my resto shaman