Thinking of coming to Earthfury Alliance?

Here’s a reality check. It’s the choice of the transferring player. You can inform them about the situation and say it would be better not to transfer here. You can make recommendations on server. Do all those types of things. However, telling them not to transfer? Not your choice. I wouldn’t listen to anywhere here telling me to avoid it. I’d do my own research. Cheers to anyone whom transfers!

I dunno why they even enabled xfers to here, it was already med sized, and reasonably balanced. Should have picked a low pop server or make an entirely new one.

BG are cross server.

They enabled because of the over populated servers. Blizzard doesn’t seem to wish to make any more servers so they would rather just have the disgruntled people transfer to the low/medium servers. The problem with that is they didn’t make it faction specific and we got what we got.

It’s no surprise that a lot of Alliance would transfer here though. In October and early November we were a fairly evenly split server so any post you read prior to the past week or so was about how great it was to be here. And while most don’t want more Alliance to transfer more will as long as the option is available and they are unhappy on their current server. This is one of the times where Blizzard should limit transfers to Horde only for a set amount of time and then close transfers. I don’t know if we can get back to as close as we had it, but a 53/47 or 54/46 split would be better than the continuation towards 60/40.


Lol Faerlina? Why would I ever go there?? I don’t watch other people play videogames because thats stupid. I came from Bigglesworth.

Hope you don’t watch the news or sports. Why would anyone watch anyone playing a game? :clown_face:

I don’t watch many streamers myself, but the premises are the same as anyone who watches a football or basketball game on tv. So take your foot out of your mouth.

It’s not though - he just randomly decided that I came from a streamer server; I didn’t and I hate the idea of spending time watching someone play when I could just play. Heck I would rather play sports than watch it also. Hence the transfer because I didn’t like watching the horde gank me for hours. I’ll speak for myself before you guys start putting words (and apparently my foot) in my mouth.

Except you’re indirectly causing the very same issue that you are complaining about – it is just reversed. And considering the OP wanted alliance players to stop xfering here to maintain server parity between the factions, posts like your give the impression that you want half the faction to suffer as you did. Thus, the hostility.

I dont want them to suffer. I just didn’t want to suffer myself. Huge difference.

I bet your choking on these words now.

If you truly believe this I feel bad for you.

Balanced pvp experience.

Pick one, both don’t go together.

If you believe otherwise I feel terrible about your willingness to be ignorant.

The fact you can’t see that watching sports on TV is the same as watching a guy streaming a game says you’re stuck 20 years in the past.

Nope, not really. Based off the available data we have a significant ally skew at 60 and barely any ally skew at all when looking at the larger spectrum of character levels even with a window such as 40-60. Longterm server health is good imo, at least until Blizz screws the pooch and opens unrestricted paid transfers, but then every server will be screwed.

Not sure where all this Horde crying is coming from, especially on Earthfury.

Since Phase 2 launch I have yet to see an Alliance raid sitting on boats corpse camping lowbies, in contrast to the Horde on this server who seem to do nothing but grief low level Alliance players.

It’s happening on both sides tbh. And it’s easier to camp Menethil and Theramore than any zep towers. I can understand the point of view, but also admit I don’t play Horde so only see one side. As Horde only see one side as well. And having a level one spy doesn’t tell you much other than a capitol city population and what you see with /who.

I think the server population will even out as there are still people leveling. Legacy has gained 1-3 new 60s every week since we started raiding in November. And we still see some leveling.