Thinking of coming to Earthfury Alliance?

Please don’t, you’re killing our server.

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Is it that badly balanced?

apparently a lot of alliance from faerlina left their toxic server, but very little horde from herod-stalagg did.

so yeah, it now seem to heavily favor alliance.

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We’re here because your kind already killed ours. :wink:


There are still thousands of horde…way more than vanilla ever had. But the alliance outnumber horde pretty badly. This should be good for horde queue times when BGs roll out in a couple weeks, though. Horde come, alliance stay…for both of our sakes!

Dads, this is just a perception bias. There’s no data to support these claims and at most theres a slight ally skew. It’s far more likely that ally are just actually out pvping to get their cathartic revenge from previous server horde abuse and not sitting in town like most horde dads are.

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This is possible, most census totals (however inaccurate they may be) list Earthfury as pretty close to a 50-50 split. That being said, I usually run into about a half dozen allies on my mining route and very rarely see any other horde. Dads need to get off the couch and go outside!

Its weird. I came from Faerlina and am a Horde player. Windfury may be balanced as far as numbers go but the reality is Alliance own this server. It is absolutely miserable. The 2 weeks i have been here have been worse then anything experienced on Faerlina.

I’m not so sure that it is perception bias- people said the same thing on my old server which had 24/7 30 minute corpse runs to BRM for alliance. Now that I’m here I can get to BRM in two minutes and get ganked once if unlucky. There’s always going to be people sitting at the bank; you just care more about it when you’re being ganked and camped. Which is a perception bias in itself really!

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Accidentally posted on one of my boosted retail toons. Hi Earthfury blunderbuss is actually me!

Please no more streamer sever refugees, pretty soon we’ll have asmongold and his army of spergs.

Don’t make the dad server Heartseeker 2 streamer server refugee island…


This is the dad server we never leave the couch

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The funny thing is Faerlina is pretty balanced in sides. Certain times one side has more than the other. The main cause of issues is the 4 hour queue times to even play. Since Earthfury is one of the few options we have to xfer to people will still come to it.

So I’m not sure how many people will even visit the forums and see this post before the rage xfer while staring at the estimated 290 minute queue time.

There’s no way this server is 50/50 active players

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Can’t tell you that but on the census data project I am using there are more active Horde Accounts on EF in the past 30 days. On the flip side there is a slight skew allie +150 the past 7 days when you talk about level 60’s. My guess? Raid logging, alt leveling, Not sure what to do when alliance fight back.

That being said, you can see my posts. Actual balance and perception are two different things. I am doing my part to recruit more horde here for you guys.

“I got tired of my balanced experience on Faerlina so I fled to a server where I dominate a handful of people”

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It’s like 70/30 active.


Lol no way… This server is balanced… Horde are just being babies about it. I felt bad at first but they need to see what’s happening on Whitemane before the horde continue crying.

I feel it’s more less active for pvp. We had like 10-20 people outside org and UC for way too long with no punish. I agree we have gained a lot from xfers lately which pushed factions from 46-54 to about 52-48 Max imo

Every South shore battle week one horde had damn near double. Our main force would push to road then get blasted from river by an equal size group to our main force.

Kargarh we push in and there’s lots of afk 60’s that seem to all come back at the same time and push us into the choke point. Lol

Steelo lamp and crew are 5 vs waves of alliance. The rest of horde seem content on death running solo into brm.

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Don’t underestimate the number of transfers to this server after week 1. We have no data, but it’s logical that a decent amount of alliance came here from their grossly outnumbered servers to make earthfury alliance dominant.