Thinking of changing to this server. Any good Farstrider action going down?

What the title says. Looking for Farstriders to connect with for RP purposes. Thanks for any leads.

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Perhaps you might be interested in the Sunreavers?


Hi there!

I’m actually putting together a Farstrider event this Friday! Its happening at 5pm server time, at Farstrider Retreat. Premise: after a long week of patrols, Farstriders gather around the fire and share an ale together.

Open to any and all Farstrider characters. So come along, even if you just make a level 1 toon to test out the server! :slight_smile:


(This is Axiann, again. I’ll be on this character for that event on Friday…)

The goal is to try to revitalize Farstrider RP, ahead of 9.2.5. It will be a casual event, a way for us Farstriders to network and meet each other, maybe start something new.


Dangit, I transferred and got distracted by food and forgot to go to the Farstrider event. Looking forward to the next one!