Thinking about creating a new toon here!

Hey everyone,

I’m thinking about creating some toons on this server. I really liked the vibe of roleplay servers back when I started in wrath years ago. Retail is alright, but I’m absolutely craving that nostalgic feeling that wrath gave me. I looked around this server the previous expansion, and it looked kind of dead to me (no offense or anything!).
I was wondering what does the community think WOTLK classic will bring in terms of population growth? I’d also like to get into pvp as a side hustle (mostly doing battlegrounds and such) and I was wondering if the battlegrounds are cross realmed? If not, how do they fair on this server?

Thanks for the perspective - and I’m super stoked to do some RP, some pvp, and just enjoy a more nostalgic go around!

We are a med pop server, so you will find players online at all times, but will be more sparse during non peak hours.

Its about 65/35 Alliance/Horde. Ive played both sides and good people on each.

Lots of players running 10 man pug content if you don’t want to raid seriously, but still want to see the sights.

BGs are cross server. Last few I did was 9 Benediction, and me heh. Got in fast.

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