"Think you do, but you don't" and when it's true

Give an example of something where blizzards famous line IS actually TRUE.

I’ll start:

Revamping wows graphics to modern standards in terms of character fidelity and world would be a loss.

All shiny new games have high res characters that show their age too quickly.

All the “zone in wow made in unreal engine” videos would take too much processing power and the cartoonish graphics of wow are a positive point.


Infamous. Not famous lol.
But nice thread idea. I am curious myself.


“To the ground!”

Any previously op spec.

WoW characters and human, in general, look abnormally goofy. Dota version of human look way better.


We released Warcraft 3 too soon*

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For some: quitting the game.


I just wish WoW would use realistic lighting.

Yeah the human models are absolutely terrible lol


Isn’t windranger literally based on a reskin of alive Sylvanas


Her name in DOTA 1 is Alleria Windrunner, her name in dota 2 is Lyralei Windranger.

Not going to lie, I have 0 issues with wow graphics other than the crappy looking sets. I remember skipping wod for ffxiv, when I came back I said “This cartoonish look really makes the game seem not that old”


Yeh but DoTA can run on a toaster, the world you play in as so very small compared to what we have here, upping the graphics too much here would kill the game and make it unplayable for many players.

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i disagree. i would prefer more modern graphics.

whoops guess i just proved your post wrong, and the entire premise behind it, since all of this is based on opinions which can’t be wrong in the first place


There used to be a big push to remove trash from raids. Jeff Kaplan was constantly arguing with players about this.

When Kaplan left WoW, the first thing Blizz did was add the ToC raid which had no trash.

Yeah, turned out we didn’t want it. No one has ever asked for a trashless raid again.


Im saying WOW human are ugly, im not saying they have low polycount (which they actually have more than dota).

Interesting addition I had no idea!

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Well yes many aspects of the player character are hideously proportioned lol.

But I’m speaking more to the cartoonish look which I approve of.


Both dota and WOW have cartoonish look, wow human is just goofier.

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That looks really good. Wish Wow looked like that.

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Diablo : Immortal.

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