Bring back meta or let demo have perma felguard/infernal again.
Some off the wall stuff but as long as we’re going all out on a wishlist
Additional demon to the Felguard/Felwrath, I’d really like a setup where theres pro/cons to having melee demon vs range demon out. Like Felguard buffs dogs and theoretical-ranged demon buffs imps (bad example but still)
No more timed life for Tyrant, the damage buff he does when coming out should be a duration but otherwise exists for number of casts
Doom changes. What, idk, but something. Ticks more frequently and replaces corruption?
Said before, but more spells baselined. Especially for destro, tree so wide you only get like a 3 button rotation.
Generally speaking, some love for the talent trees. Given the state of other reworks, its possible
Yeah, why can’t we speak demonic, that just feels weird
I’ve circled back around to wanting metamorphosis back. If not for demo, then as a new theoretical tank spec. And not like demon hunter, they can keep their version. I want to cast big energy waves, summon small packs of demons to support, drain life as a self sustain, all that stuff. DHs can keep the jump around version
healer spec would be nice as well, centered around draining enemy life and giving to allies. Battle medic akin to disc priest
really would like the curses to have more impact, at least in pve. Like non-stacking specific damage reduction (weakness = physical, tongues = magical) with amplify curse raising the amount. Not exactly what I’m looking for but still
really want the dreadscar rift teleport
absolutely less reliant on external power sources. I don’t wanna feel impotent without tier.
also less reliance on CDs. I want my CDs to feel good, not like I am effectively standing there doing nothing without them.
less imps. Why is the ‘master summoner’ the ‘lots of imps summoner’. I’d rather more stuff like vilefiend, or self empowerment from fel energy
evokers have a thing where when they disintegrate it makes their fire breath dot tick more often. Maybe a talent that does the same for all the specs when you drain life? Or at least for aff while you drain soul
F off. If you want Drain Life combined with Drain Soul, that’s fine, or if you want DL back as a non Affliction spec, that too is fine. Otherwise, seriously, F off.
Realistically, MR is better, but aesthetically and thematically speaking, I full on agree with you. Malefic Grasp plus it’s themed looks was way cooler, seriously.
No. No it should NOT be an upgrade to keep your pet. The theme around Warlock is “sacrifice everything for more power” this should include your demons, too. It literally makes MORE sense that you do more damage after sacrificing your demon than with having it at your side.
Then I would not be opposed to them bringing up the pet’s damage to where it’s not straight up a dead loss of dps to not take GoSac.
Also, I think Aff is the only spec who sacrifices, I think the other 2 you can keep it out without losing much damage or any at all. Demo you gotta keep it out.
If it’s less than a 3% loss for not taking GoSac over taking it, that’s a good tradeoff. I know min/maxers will be like “3% is still big” no, it’s not as most people do not do relevant or high enough content where it actually matters so taking the 3% loss to keep your pet out would be a fine tradeoff.
No, it can stay in the garbage bin. It should not have existed in the first place.
What I want:
Aff; execute DoTs back. Cleaving DoTs as a talent, just make your DoTs splash 10% of their damage onto every nearby enemy you’re in combat with.
Darkglare removed. It’s bad thematically for the spec. Put Soul Harvest back or just give us a section at the bottom dedicated to Seed for those who want a non DoT playstyle.
The SoC talents in place of Darkglare can make it so SoC refreshes DoTs every time they explode. SoC cast time reduced by 50/100% as a talent option, or just as good, too, put it as part of Crescendo talent to where you could cast MR or SoC when you get Crescendo procs.
Drain Soul and Drain Life combined. It can be a talent option in place of the Drain Life talent in Aff spec tree. It makes your Drain Soul heal for 100% of the damage it deals.
Remove Drain Life talents, they’re not good nor cool for the spec. Either, as mentioned above combine them into a Drain Soul to allow it to heal, too, or just get rid of it entirely.
I want to be able to throw UA on every target, just 1 UA, with no limits to the amount of targets having UA on them like I was able to do back in WoD.