I did not know that, ok I feel much better now after seeing my numbers. Doing just alright.
Bring back Soulshape.
I would love to see some “Blood Magic” glyphs for Warlock.
A Blood Red and Black Chaos Bolt (think Sargeras Sword).
A Blood and Shadow Drain Life.
Maybe Voodoo masks for your Imps like Unjari Feltongue’s Imp has.
That would rock.
Purple fire for destro / all specs of lock
The off DR aoe stun spam from avatar of destruction is the best utility that warlocks have in M+ and it would be cool if the other 2 warlock specs got a similar talent. Its hard to imagine aff and demo being relevant in hard keys unless bad tuning puts their damage over the top.
- Shadowbolt puts a dot (unaffected by any stats, just plain some damage over time)
- Give third doggo back
- Homunculi instead of imps
- More demons
- More demons
give me meta back or /riot
4 and 5 should be 1 and 2
I, personally, would like to see some new abilities for Demonology. We have had 3 expansions of Demonic Tyrant, and between the A I issues, and poor pvp performance, I would like to see some sort of rework to the play style.
I’m not sure I understand this one? Solo them and one doesn’t have to roll ? The tuning of some legacy raids is still way over tuned is the bigger issue. Mostly BFA content and SL but my guess is they aren’t “legacy” enough.
bonus loot items like taeshalach and the argus scythe dont roll for warlocks so we cant have their appearance with glyph of felguard
This makes more sense now. Thanks for clearing that up!
I’d like to be able to use my felpuppy instead of constantly sacrificing it. It should be a dps UPGRADE to keep your pet. Those cool new skins are going to waste…
Get rid of malefic rapture give me back drain soul amping dot damage. And id be happy.
options to size the pet
rename the pet
make demonology or any other spec or maybe an entirely new spec that is hybrid stances between melee, caster, demon pet, dot and casting dd
- Metamorphosis. This ability made Demo fun. Now Demo is boring. Should probably rename it “Imp Factory”
- Make the damage less “rampy”. Add spawns: I target it, Cast Immolate, Conflagrate. Now (assuming I have lots of shards) I cast Chaos Bolt which does garbage damage. It’s the next CB that actually deals reasonable damage. The first one sucks. That’s 4-6 seconds before I’m actually hitting the target for a reasonable amount of damage.
Affliction is very similar. You don’t start really dealing damage until the dots are ticking up and you’re pressing other buttons.
Only thing that is needed is faster move speed. Burning Rush sucks
Don’t fix what’s not broken
I love the big tyrant playstyle, and pit lord, but I do think without PI/lust it is very lackluster.
I want MoP Demo back but yknow… we aint getting that…
I’d actually be happy with Drain Life back on the bar.