Things that have absolutely ruined PVP bgs

Things that have absolutely ruined PVP bgs.

  1. Your inability to control, trolls & clowns que’ing together for epic bg premade face rolls with 40 people in discord. Make a 40 man RATED for these groups to play against each other.
  2. Ally can MERC, Horde can’t. (MERC should be taken out of the game completely. This is just common sense. It goes against everything pvp, lore and causes rampant cheating now.)
  3. Ice Walls… Absolutely ruins gameplay and strategy… One nitwit can effect the damage and healing of 79 other players who all just popped their cooldowns for a team fight. Possibly the dumbest, most reckless and non-strategic nonsense I’ve ever seen in any video game.
  4. Dragon Breath LOS nonsense… One nitwit can effect the damage and healing of 79 other players who all just popped their cooldowns for a team fight. Possibly the dumbest, most reckless and non-strategic nonsense I’ve ever seen in any video game.
  1. I think some alliance do this, not sure about horde. But yeah syncers should only face syncers.
  2. Yes, remove merc.
  3. I kinda hear you, but ehh, i guess idc enough.
  4. Yeah, super annoying, but it’s like blizz only adds annoying stuff these days.

Accidental necro, i was looking at WM forum. lol

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