Things that could be done to keep you logging in?

Err next patch for sure .

oh! i know! an actual reason to keep logging in! like, a cute pet we take care of so we can compete them against other players (think battle-pets mixed with SA2’s chao-garden).

a new class, a new race (not allied race, i mean actual, start at level 1 race), not forcing us to do tedious content to do the ACTUAL content in the game (maw skip).


Nothing blizz does makes lore sense. So why not allow belfs to be druids or even shamans. Seriously at this point every race should be able to be every class. Its been over 16 years.


Would be awesome!


I forgot to include one caveat…

Any older expansion specific “borrowed power” items are disabled.

So for example if you decide to chromie time for Legion, your Legion Artifact Weapon, Legendaries, and trinkets must be disabled @50-60… This is to prevent players from just chromie timing a level 60 alt to gain overpowered older expansion “borrowed power” items to destroy players or to have an unfair advantage over players equipped with only current expansion items, as many older expansions have numerous overpowered items that are disabled at levels higher than 49/50 for a reason.

This includes older raid and dungeon gear (they need to have an intentionally crippled item level if not outright greyed out), otherwise players would just end up running older raids and dungeons at 60 to gear up beyond current expansion endgame content.

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Many players still have an unfair advantage over others so really why does it matter at this point. Blizz doesn’t care and if a player wants to use an out of date item then that’s their choice.

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For me, they just need to change the setting, story, zones, world content, systems, loot, and tuning.

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thing you’re neglecting that if older items were still functional at 60… they would become required meta for everyone… imagine if you are kicked from a raid or dungeon group because you don’t have every legendary equipped possible from every past expansion (For your DK: you are required to have WoTLK’s shadowmourne, MoP’s cloak, WoD’s ring, 2 bis Legion leggos, BFA’s heart of Azeroth, and whatever most powerful 4 piece tier set from whatever past expansion.

You read my mind, OP. Those two things we make me log on a lot more.

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People would still be kicked. It doesn’t matter what a player does. Anyone will find a way to justify a kick.

except this would be a guaranteed kick the instant you queued up and they whisper if you have these items. Now you’re expected to grind 16 years worth of old obsolete content to be invited to play the current content.

Yeah… No. this is why past expansion “borrowed power” items must be disabled at 51-60. Items from older content should never be expected or required to play current content.

Then that’s a community issue. Even still most of those items don’t exist anymore so even if groups demanded it, they would end up with no one signing up since the majority of the playerbase are returning players or new ones who didn’t play mop/wod so they’ll always lack those two items. In terms of bis. Only a small percentage of players actually take that seriously. Most see an upgrade and take it regardless of the stats.

No ones saying past expac stuff should be used in current. The only people who would expect that are a small minority of pseudo elitists that are so much of a stickler for numbers while the majority just doesn’t care that much over minor things.

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however there are enough that they would rather wait for them to queue up.

Well it hasn’t since at least MoP. I’ve been leveling my toons to max with pet battles since it was introduced.

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And that’s good for them if that’s how they wanna limit themselves but when the few who do sign up end up raid lockout then they’ll have no one else. We’re seeing that with groups demand aotc or even a previous expansion aotc. Nothing would really change.

You made me laugh, nice one.

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“It devalues my hard work and pride and accomplishment” incoming in 3…2…1…

I’d happily take away your chance at a spot to whatever group you attempted to queue up for if old obsolete items still leveled and worked at 60:

That’s nice. Considering after bfa I’ve given up on group content since its not rewarding. You can go right on ahead and take that spot.

It is with much displeasure that I announce that I actually uninstalled the game, battlenet launcher, and even diablo so I dont have to see it. Never done any of those things before.

With questionable decisions the entire time I played, mad as I got, I always had my keys to retreat to. But here I am on one of the best weeks to push, and I simply cannot do it anymore.

Things that would change my mind:

-all incoming dmg to tanks at the keystone difficulty reduced by 50pct.
-token system for pve, with 233 gear no longer exclusive to the last two bosses of the raid. All dungeon gear now scalable to 233 as well as pvp gear.

Tbh… that’s it. I dont even care about anything else. Simple fix.