Things I want to do in WoW

I’m actually out of things to do at work for a few minutes (shocking!), so I’m sitting here, putting together a list of things I still want to do in WoW. You’d think there wouldn’t be a list after all this time, but I have one.

  1. Make a bandit character and go around robbing RPers ICly of stupid things like apples or shoes.

  2. Hold a rotating RP event that moves around Stormwind, Ironforge, Booty Bay, Orgrimmar, SMC, Thunder Bluff, etc. Some kind of monthly thing with a really light mystery plot and basic rolls for a group of less than 20. Or it could be a crafting RP, where everyone gets on a crafter and Icly makes stuff.

  3. Didn’t we used to have a fishing event? Didn’t someone have an event where everyone fished? I want to go to one of those.

  4. Roll a Tauren and an Orc and RP them both. Right now, I only RP humans, dwarves, elves and forsaken, and one gnome.

Do you guys have anything on your to-do list for WoW?


Things I want to do in WoW.

  • Farm more transmogs for my Warlock and DK.

  • Grind Ve’nari rep for the stupid horse.

  • Run more Torghast for the stupid horse.

  • Farm Karazhan for the stupid horse.

  • Convince my wife to roll a Man’ari because reasons… :smiling_face:

  • Rethink my life choices about playing this game again.


Just about anything I hope to do in game is generally rp related. One general goal I have is engaging in more rp portraying the activities of a specific faction. This has especially been the case with my Demon Hunter characters, who I’ve barely touched specifically because of this lack of fulfillment. I’ve adapted somewhat, but that desire overshadows them in a way I simply can’t fully shake.

Another is maintaining some manner of ic mentorship; I’ve got a couple mages and monks with ic teaching experience or who are active teachers, but I rarely get the chance to actually portray that myself. Some of the few opportunities I did have were seemingly squandered early, I suspect due to lack of communication on my end.

I’d also like to rp more civilian characters. I have a few here and there, but I rarely know what to do with all but two; two versions of the same character, whose vocation allows me a consistent in for walk up rp. Still, portraying the perspective of a relatively normal person has its boons and can at times be breath of fresh air, which I might need.

I’d also like duel a Blademaster ic, though most serious Blademaster rpers I know of don’t even play retail anymore.


Learn a role other than dps.

Roll a Horde alt that keeps me interested for longer than 2 weeks or lvl 20 whichever comes first.

Be nicer to Forsaken because they’re just trying to get by like the rest of us.

Be a “Good Samaritan” and stop a petty theft by tackling a bandit into the Canals.

Drink more coffee.

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I remember the fishing guild. You could go hang out and fish / RP for hours.

For RP: In a similar manner to the fishing guild, I posted it once on here before, but I’d always thought about starting an Adventure Tour Guild, to engage new roleplayers (or anyone interested) in super short-term RP; just a weekend afternoon or evening.

Rando example:
Azeroth Adventurers Club (or whatever to call it)
Offer actual, legitimate knowledge-based tours of areas in Azeroth for a gold fee.

Say, example: This week, we’re offering a tip up to Mount Neverest for 500 gold.
You’d get 4-5 Tour Guides to go with you, each with knowledge about the area and skillsets to assist you in your climb to the Top. The Tour guides would engage you in RP to help you along and introduce you to RP by RP’ing with you, but not within any deep storyline, so it doesn’t affect your chars backstory.

Maybe toss in some cosmetic / BOE items relevant to the area or type of tour. (Staff as a walking cane, a hat or something? IDK) Maybe take some screenshots to remember it by, etc etc.

For actual playing, I would love to get more involved in rated PvP or tanking, but between my injuries and getting older, I’m just not up to the GOGOGO mentality that people have and I hate the thought of burdening anyone. So, I just don’t get involved.


Top of my to-do list is to find new friends on this server. All the folks I’ve known over the years have stopped playing. Nowadays, I generally hop on an alt and go randomly do something that has caught my attention.

I’ve attended some role playing events, but I end up observing way more than interacting.

Rakham’s bullet points 2 - 4 sound like good things I want to do in WoW as well, so thank you for the inspiration! Shadowlands is when I canceled my subscription, but I came back sometime during Dragonflight. There are still a lot of mounts and transmog items there I would like to obtain.


I would honestly like to learn how to play a healer. I’m really bad at it.


I need more mail transmog. I level-capped my first mail armor character in years and their appearance section is embarrassing.

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Become High Overlord of the Kor’Kron.
Form 10+ active Kor’Kron Guild including non-orcs.
Find out what Girl Stuff is. IE Shokia and Kirren.

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• Actually Start RPing instead of just creepin
• Roll up a DK
• Roll up a Shaman
• Actually commit to the above 2 classes as I love the fantasy
• Do some alliance RP cause honestly I love them dwarves and humans. I’m basic AF
• RP a sailor (maybe the dk)
• Maybe that sailors from Gilneas (not a worgen though [nothing against worgen I think they’re pretty cool])
• Actually get involved (just been creeping the forums and discord)

  • I’d love to be able to RP, on a ship, with others, as its sailing (moving) on the open waters.
  • I’d love to be able to RP as diplomatic envoys, welcomed into other-faction cities and capitals (think The Sunreavers visit Stormwind).
  • I’d love to experience walking through a city market filled with characters that are both patrons and shop owners… I’m talking every booth, every store, actually having people inside greeting customers, serving tables. A real busy day.

A lot of RPing is just creeping, so you’re already halfway there.


Not enough good can be said of those with a desire to share their knowledge with others.

(( My favorite storyline from Pandaria is “The Hidden Master” quests. I never skip through the training cinematics with Master Bruised Paw. ))


I just want to do more RP stuff but as a more active participant.

I’m going to try hosting a guild event and I’m volunteering as an artist for the Brewfest art raffle this year for the first time.