Things Blizzard gave to the alliance in Bfa and aftermath

Yes. All I want is to improve them. Their layout is great the problem is they have no representation against the big bad evil and their leaders have no power since they are usually just warriors.

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except the last one huh

yet still lose every battle against Horde characters through nonsense plot armor

4 Saurfang cinematics vs. 0 Alliance cinematics

Come on, the last genocide commited by the Horde was only like 2 expansions ago

git gud

They also gave the Alliance fat humans and mechagnomes while giving the Horde Zandalari Trolls and Vulpera

I’d hate you too if you posted this nonsense in the forum

Huh first you complain about disagreements in the Horde now it’s a good thing?

definitely miles better than their Alliance counterparts.

End this Horde bias already!


Definitely. I don’t recall one good heritage quest ally side

End horde bias!! :dracthyr_nod:


I am splitting the facts here.

Given that the last faction war ended with the Horde forced to completely overhaul their government and give up all territories gained, they clearly LOST.
They did win the First War from WC 1, though it’s wasn’t quite today’s horde, and it certainly wasn’t ‘The Alliance’, merely the Kingdom of Stormwind, who lost.

He clearly pines for some idealized, well-written Horde that may or may not have actually existed, but at least was probably close to reality in the Classic-TBC-Wrath era. I sympathize with him at least that much.

“I miss
 the idea of it. But not the truth, the weakness.”


Ereven’s ideal Horde is one in which the Alliance is crushed and destroyed and any and all peaceful remnants of the Horde are eliminated with extreme prejudice and made public examples of to deter anyone from such weakness (which the public observes and celebrates the execution of the weak because of course none of them want that in their Horde, and no one even understands how people like Thrall, Baine, Cairne, Vol’jin, etc
 ever rose to power to begin with).

He wants the WC1 Horde.

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Alliance utterly crushed the Horde in bfa everyone denying it either protects their privilige or is lying.

huh which faction got to commit a genocide against the other and then get away with it ?

To make it easier for you: It wasn’t the Alliance


Most of the alliances Wins had to be confirmed via Twitter after the fact. That’s how vague most of them were


Teldrassil was the only loss. All other battles were victories.

Is that why the night elves stopped getting Attention? Oh wait :thinking:

Still doesn’t change the fact that blizz had to confirm some of them on twitter


A loss so crushing that it took 5 years for Blizzard to somewhat repair. Yet the Horde never suffered the consequences for it.

The Battle for Undercity wasn’t, what other battles were there? :woman_shrugging:


It was.

Then Zuldazar, Stromgarde, Darkshore and Orgrimmar too. The war a whole matters not just the opening.

Wasn’t the whole point of Dazar’alor to drive the Zandalari apart from the Horde?

I’d say that was a pretty big fail on that objective.

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Alliance tactical victory.

Alliance victory

Alliance victory

Alliance victory

Overall objective failure, overall objective failure, confirmed by tweet, confirmed by tweet.

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Darkshore had a cutscene actually and in Zuldazar Jaina laughed the raid and escaped with no injuries.

A cutscene that was bugged and didn’t play. And wasn’t exactly definitive.

And the Alliance threw away Blademaster Telaamon and company only to have completely the opposite effect of their stated goal.

The Zandalari were unable to aid the Horde in any way during the rest of the war sounds like a success to me.