In the anniversary area, all other players disappeared. I was trying to do the fashion frenzy event and I could see people emoting at me and getting achievements for voting on outfits, but all players in the entire event area were invisible. I was on the same character earlier this morning and the past several days and didn’t have this issue, so there is no quest phasing. I swapped to another character and still had the same issue. After a few character swaps, other players were finally visible.
While in Undercity on my bank alts, I could not see any mailboxes. My bank alts live there, so I know where they should be. Both characters I tested had the same problem. They weren’t even on the map, even though they were tracked. I pulled out my mailbox toy (in an area that it would not despawn) and that was invisible, too. I had just been on several other characters in Stormwind and Dornogal who were able to see mailboxes.
I was in a Timewalking dungeon and the tank couldn’t see any of the other party members until they left the dungeon via the dungeon entrance and came back inside.
Edit to add:
NPCs that are spawned via a quest item disappear immediately and you are unable to interact with them (Wintersaber daily cub for me, and another player in the thread is experiencing this with the secrets anniversary NPCs).
Vendor NPCs on vendor mounts may not be visible.
The phasing bug is so bad right now, it’s almost impossible to play.
Can’t do the anniversary world bosses… people aren’t there.
Can’t run Timewalking… people aren’t there.
Can’t run Delves with friends… people aren’t there.
Can’t use DK death gate… it automatically disappears.
Can’t use the Grizzly Hills Packmaster… the vendor packs disappear.
It’s getting worse and worse the more time passes.
It’s so weird since it seems like more than just phasing if I can see the emotes and chat but not the player! But these issues seem pretty widespread, I see other threads now on the same issues.
I also had a friend complain recently that their vendor mount NPCs were disappearing when mounted, too. I didn’t even think until you mentioned it that it could be related.
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yeah it’s def getting worse by the hour. It started in queued content and now it’s happening in the overworld as well. Literally just hanging out in the isle and can tell I’m phased outside of a delve, watching warlock minions appearing/disappearing
Thanks for adding that detail, I recall seeing that at one point as well.
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I reported a while ago that in delves some of the mechanics and mobs were invisible and hyper respawning.
I posted about it in GD and another player told me it was basically me playing poorly and told me to turn logging on.
I know what I was getting hit with, just couldn’t see it to avoid it.
Hard to deal with invisible mobs and mechanics.
Other things being stuck in walls, mobs under the maps, Brann XP pots spawning in places we can’t reach, etc,etc
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also adding you can briefly see someone when they mount and then they fade away back into the void. Watching it happen in dorn as I type this
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I joined a group to fight Kordac and half of the raid was invisible - double checked all the wm settings. So, I figured I’d go do the event quests on an alt. Edit: To note that I was trying to drop a pet by Kordac, and every time they would just vanish after a second - would random drop another and same would happen. It also wasn’t forcing the pet to be put away - just dropping a new one to vanish.
Now trying to do the “da stick of revealing” quest - maru and enzo phased out right after I took the quest - lit the brazier anyway, can’t turn in the quest - they’re in neither the location by the brazier where they usually end up, or by the quest taking area where the quest seems to think you turn it in.
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Now I’m starting to recall another similar bug this morning: I was unable to do Wintersaber Trainer dailies because when I spawn my cub, it also disappears. I was able to do it once before reset, but later could not get the cub to stay out. I will add to my original post.
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Had this occur earlier this morning, in dwarven district bank. My level 3 banker summoned warbank access, as it went off, I immediately phased. I couldn’t see the warbank orb, or any people in the AH at the time even though there were several seconds before.
Whew!!! For a moment I thought I was the only one
I had phasing issues this morning on one LFR boss on my hunter (the first boss in the first part of LFR). A mage would phase in and out of my phase; they were the only other player I would sometimes see. I could sometimes see the spell effects of other players, but the players themselves were invisible. Once the boss died and the loading screen popped the phasing issue fixed itself for the rest of the raid.
I blame the rookie employees