They're putting teasers/hints that Cleansed Ashbringer might happen in SoD

Back in OG vanilla the thought and concept was there but it fell apart after TBC launched.

Would you play SoD if purified Ashbringer became real in SoD?

This actually got me interested.

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No, still don’t care about Classic.

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Why would I play SoD if it became real in vanilla?

They’re two different games

I fixed it as you typed that now give a better response :rage:

Too late, I only give you one answer

I played Classic big time nonstop since its release, with the sole purpose of obtaining the Corrupted Ashbringer. Now that I have it, it’s pretty much the only reason I’m playing up to Cata Classic (and beyond when it comes). Always loved The Ashbringer.
After hearing this news of a potential pure Ashbringer in SoD, I’ve gone and made me a warrior in SoD as it has now become my quest to have a version of The Ashbringer on every version of WoW - besides Hardcore, that’s just not my cup of tea.
And tbh, I’ve been really enjoying SoD, I know it’s not for everyone but I feel like I really robbed myself by not playing it right at the get-go with everyone else who plays it

they are adding another gimmick onto an already gimmick server. SaD is not classic/vanilla+, it is a gimmick server that refreshes its gimmick ever so slightly. they nudge the existing square 3cm to the left and people lose their minds like the brought you something new.

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SoD is just classics version of plunderstorm and remix.

Cleansing the Ashbringer during the Vanilla time frame would make SoD an actual alternate timeline (since it was eventually cleansed in canon, just not by the player), which I’m not sure it technically is yet? That said, the Vanilla Corrupted Ashbringer acquisition by players and the accompanying Scarlet Monastery event aren’t strictly canon anyways, and since SoD isn’t strictly bound by Vanilla gameplay, Blizzard has some room to play with without breaching canon entirely. I suppose they could bring in some comic lore if they wanted to.

Or Plunderstorm and Remix were retail’s version of SoD, because SoD came first, lol.

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