I can only speculate, but I feel confident that for myself it would change depending upon the speed as to what I prefer. I think slow dynamic flight would feel awful relative to sky swimming. But fast dynamic definitely feels way better than fast sky swimming.
The abilities granting the huge speed buffs is what makes the whole system work and feel impactful. If you slowed them down all of that impact would be lost. Like driving behind someone driving 5 miles under a conservative speed limit… just GO!
So losing that impact factor would be worse than just normal sky swimming. But with the impact factor… dynamic all day every day over point A point B flight…
Well, that would certainly put the damn in Dynamic
“I don’t want dirty old flying on my dragon isles because people will eventually cry about wanting more speed.”
heh, love to see the opposite happening.
No it is a fiddly nightmare and I am quitting WoW after 19 years because of it. Would rather not play WoW than use that crap.
Its a needless complication like the changes they made to classes / specs and the changes they made to professions. This is the worst expansion ever produced by Blizzard.
I hate engaging. That just means something is more complicated in order to make someone else happy. I wounder how many people would use the oh so engaging dynamic flight if it wasn’t faster?
I simply am unable to control dynamic flight. Physically unable. I know few of you care, you have your shiny toy that goes zoom zoom, but dynamic flight denies me flight until, season two of all future expansions?
I will not pay for a game that would make me walk while you lot fly because I can’t use Ion’s folly. I will not earn a skill I have had since BC over and over again while you dragonriders get to fly everywhere from day one of all future expansions.
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Agreed, there’s no reason to gate static flight behind leveling, Pathfinder, or anything else. You’ll get no argument from me there.
It should be the same keystrokes for both players. Long distance flights are just get to height and angle downwards to max speed. You never run out of vigor.
Nobody asked for it to be gated and a totally absurd thing to do from the devs.
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I think it’s a bad idea to nerf it. The old world isn’t designed with high perches to conserve energy and doesn’t slope mostly downward from the main cities like the Dragon Isles. Players are going to need all the speed they can get, since running out of vigor will be more common.
Agree, it will still be better than regular flying for most purposes, except AFK-ing.
its not that slow 644% speed i can fly from under city to the nax portal under 2mins
Then it would not be better. TBC flying will be more convenient , no vigor management and can hover. It would kill dynamic flying .
There needs to be some sort of benefit to use Dynamic over TBC otherwise its pointless
Hahahaha this is the dumbest thing ever!!!
Yeah I wonder how many people would use dynamic flight if it was no faster than classic flight.
No the dumbest thing ever was requiring everyone to use it or walk. Or quit…