They're keeping sharding on perma again aren't they?

Guess that’s it for the RP in an MMO RP G :disappointed_relieved:

I’ll honestly be very surprised to see if they turn it off right after the event ends.

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Suppose to end at 11:59 pm server time!

What’s the over/under that they keep it on vs turn it off right when it ends?

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Pretty sure they will turn it off. Hasn’t really affected RP that much. Most went to Duskwood. I’m sure MG and WRA will be back to normal and with city RP soon!

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If they keep it on, it will be because the regular sharding that happens on every other (non RP) server has kicked back in (for some reason, likely due to the event) and needs to be manually turned off; instead of it just ending when the event does.

there’s a great big world out there. Go rp there, instead of bemoaning about Stormwind.


existential crisis as a GM

So far…it appears to still be on :unamused:

I’m gonna check again after 10am, when the new XP bonus event officially starts. If it’s still on, I’ll do what worked last time - head over to the CS forum and politely ask if someone could nudge the server guys and ask them to re-enable the custom ruleset for RP servers to prevent sharding. Plenty of people had been rabbling here and on General Discussion, but I don’t think anyone who had the ear of anyone goes there.


It’s crazy to me that in an MMO RP G they would shard with no ability to transfer shards at will, if they did this to PVPers instead of giving them a warmode button to turn ever server into a PVP sharded one, they would have been deadgame in a week. Why do they feel it is okay to disable the game for RPers for weeks but wouldn’t dream of doing it to PVPers?


Please turn Sharding Off in MoonGuard.
It’s annoying and we don’t like it.


Does this mean it’s not off yet? Haven’t been in game yet.

as of this post it is still not off.

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Maybe its Blizzard telling you to stop roleplaying in just the major cities. There’s a larger world out there. Use it.


Then how long until an RPmode button like Warmode was added to remove RP servers like they removed PVP servers?

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Likely they just forgot again, the level of sharding implemented was pretty extreme, beyond even normal server sharding. RP in the open world’s all well and good, and it’s been really fun in Darkshire, but most people use it for guild events and then Stormwind for more relaxed/organic RP.

Also it’s harder to grief RP in a major city. My concern isn’t just Stormwind in any case, but Orgrimmar, which has a much smaller RP community but still gets slapped with sharding.

Arright. I put on my boots and waded into the CS forum about it.

The problem is that it seems like the lack of sharding on RP servers is a really manual, really niche process, done by people who have NO direct contact with the customer base at all. So getting the attention of the right people to fix it can be…a lot. The forum moderators moderate across all of the Blizzard games, so posts to General Discussion about odd one-off processes usually fall on deaf ears, and the moderators in the Bug Reporting forum seem to mostly compile issues and shuffle them off to generalists who might not be aware of something as niche as this.

The SFAs in Customer Support aren’t liasons to any other part of the company, but posting there has been the only place I’ve personally been able to get traction before just because the people who happen to work there generally know what we’re talking about when we ask for sharding to get flipped off again for RP servers. But it’s a favor for them to do it, because there’s just not a good process for it otherwise :sob:


That may work for you. It doesn’t for a lot of folks. Repeating yourself isn’t going to pry people out of a zone they prefer. If off-server raids, sharding and Titans only know what else hasn’t gotten people out into the world more, your ordering folks about surely isn’t going to do the trick.


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd my post has been manually moved to Technical Support.

I am just going to…trust. That that’s the right place for it :neutral_face:

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For anyone like myself who spent 10 minutes looking for it because you’re blind/tired/otherwise feeling ‘out of it’ today. :joy:


It’s pretty normal for highly populated MMO’s to have sharding these days. Look at ES:O, who only has like five servers and any number of shards involved.

I’ve mentioned this before, but its never been blizzards policy to prioritise roleplay servers. It makes zero sense (logically) for them to implement an “RP Mode” or to divert resources so that a very small number of players can enjoy roleplaying in Stormwind.

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