They're gonna screw over Elune and Anshe

And yet both are ghostly women who wail

She is depicted as such in modern times, especially by neopagans my dude.

Nah it’s fair.

Blonde/fair haired woman with procelain skin and ghostly face clad in a white dress who is perceived as a rival of the “Banshee Queen” is absolutely tied to Banshee myths in general.

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I’m sorry, come again? I’m familiar with several white lady myths, especially those in other parts of the British Isles, and I’m not sure of any that wail or keen like the banshee does or for the same purpose. The ‘wail’ of the banshee is explicitly related to the Gaelic funerary rite of keening. It is not a personal grief like the crying of a white lady mourning her own untimely death; it is representative of a collective grief, which is why banshees are often associated with particular families. Implying they are the same because “they both cry” and that’s why Calia is like Cliodhna is just another example of a superficial interpretation of folklore meant to support a flimsy proposition.


It’s not. Conflating themes which are found in folkloric traditions globally and then using them as evidence that a character exhibiting some of those themes is related to a specific mythological figure who doesn’t even share those same themes is disingenuous. Round hole, square peg, my man.


Then you should learn more about White Lady myths in the rest of the world :slight_smile: La Llorona is literally known for her cries and wails, also warning death (albeit usually yours)

This is 99% of WoW

It is.

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I hope Blizzard will keep mystery.
If we will kill another titan with a name Elune in a raid, I will join the haters team. Hope that Elune will stay neutral (mystery).

i didnt konw my mom subscrbed to the history channel

wtf is evne gonig on this thread rn roflmao


your description remember me of this.

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wyh is my post get deleted

i takl about thread sujbect matter and i guess ppl got mad n report me? oh well lol

I would not be surprised at this point.

People who really love Elune should prepare themselves for the likelihood that the story is going to villain bat her because, yes, like the OP says, apparently all deities in WoW are/can be bad and so they all will be since the story is written by like a 12 year old.

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Which makes the fact you´re nothing but a salty toxic NEFPA even more obvious; after all you don´t participate in the retail forums to propose nor comment about actual constructive stuff (like Classic posters like Ganthrithor do) but only to complain over the “new way Blizz craped on muh Nelves!!”.

Ty for the vote of confidence, but then again you don´t fabricate malicious intentions behind our posts cause that´s NOT your prerrogative.

The poster you talked to? Oh yeah, the most they can “show” others about the “horrible scum Horde posters are” the better for their own agenda (cause frankly when we remember that behind the avatars there are just other irl humans like ourselves and that this isjust another video game, then the stupid tribalism loses A LOT of relevance and then trying to put labels on them starts to look as embarrasingly prejudiced as it truly is).

Omg. The mere fact we can infer this from the awful treatment she DOES give in her stories to anything remotely different from her “muh non-toxic” masculinity Blanduin is… terrible. And saddest of all it´s not only her, more probably the fault lies in however many executives abover her praising this type of “woke” writting.

Why are these people in charge of writting stuff children under 18 can access? Don´t they see their own freaking toxicity? (stupid question, ofc they don´t!!)

And to elaborate, that´s what seemed “interesting” for me.

Is NOT about “screwing up Nelves” -frankly, they aren´t even really all that relevant regarding that point-, is about God Tier individuals getting a more “humanized” development and yes… sticking to each other above their “worshippers”.

I mean people… we should take into account all those races and “mortal heroes” are nothing but glorified pets (remember the Winter Queen´s words about Ysera, yes?). And just as much as we care for our own pets irl, thing is… we will sacrifice/abandon them IF our own survival/goals are on the line AND the pets are getting in the middle of the resolution we rather get… sound extremely ugly yes, but this is us: the ugly side of irl human nature. We as species are VERY selfish.

Going back to the point: if Elune in this hypothetical scenario Baal concocted does end up favoring Zovaal over the other mortals because yes, he´s basically (one of “hers”), the story can take an interesting direction. Cause then it would become clear at least for us “readers” that yes, “Gods” exist BUT they won´t come to save the PC… the responsability of saving themselves falls 100% over the PC races. And personally, I don´t see anything wrong with that… that would be the ultimate “this is the age of the mortals” pro-argument.

Well maybe is more about the message they want to deliver at the end.

Maybe the message is not about “all gods are bad” but “God won´t save you always and sometimes you´ll have to get from your butt and save yourself”.

In the current age, this DOES resonate… cause “God” won´t save 21st century humans in Earth, THEY with their actions are getting themselves killed and THEY must work to prevent this in consequence. Is a HUGE and scary responsability we all should have accepted a while ago.

“Only Classic Characters that agree with me are here to be constructive.”

Okay, Hordelet.

Only everyone should lose their patrons. No elemental ancestors, no Loa or Wild Gods (not that they interfered). And no priests.
We need to think about druids, magicians, warlocks. In theory, they don’t have patrons, right?
Gr … You can’t just get rid of the shamans, there are also deals and all that. Although, only goblins promise payment …
Scream! Everyone will die in goblin waste products. Perhaps the gnomes will feel better.

Once we get rid of patrons, we get rid of any kind of patrons.

Hmm … Who are the wisps? A patron’s blessing? Well, it will be hard. What a pity.

Dude, why do you waste your time with my posts when you clearly despise them?

No seriously, you can´t even be bothered with writting correctly as I´m aware you can. Trying to “rile me up” is… literally underground levels of effort. You just prove to me over and over again that I don´t have to entertain the opinion you don´t even bother to post, period.

That would make since since at the battle at the First Waystone, Anduin showed his ability to call upon the Light “Even Here”.

I didn’t know it was you at all until I decided to read the post more carefully for some reason. The red background is equal to the red background, and I do not delve into the subtleties. Although, Droite, Baalsamael, Chronorabbit, I more or less highlight. It seems to be.

Yes, I’m awful at expressing my thoughts. I can’t even formulate them clearly. In theory, current thought obeys the “equality of bad things”: since the night elves lose their patron in the name of a narrative idea, then everyone else must also lose their patrons in the name of the same idea.

Nah, you are just awful to the people you dislike, period. Which brings me once again to the point on why bother paying attention to those people in the first place?

But you do you…

No, my thoughts are awful too. Yes, I am a vile, vicious, parasitic creature. No, I did not know that you were you, I was only interested in the idea of harming all other races. I do not like to suffer alone.

What does the phrase “But you do you …”?

Duh, trolling what else. Cause unless you genuinely feel like participating, is the only thing you waste your time with in these forums.

Quite pitiful If I say so myself…

What kind of trolling? I just want all races to suffer the same.

Okay, everyone should be suffering like night elves, are you satisfied? But since in this particular case the narrative idea “there are no gods, only you are to blame” is used, then I want to extend it to everyone else.

My participation is the repetition of other people’s phrases. My “ideas” do not bring any reaction, except for a couple of singles “this is a different opinion”. On the other hand, I myself refused the Vozul reaction.
I am only sure of primitive bullying, “reflection” and “exaggeration”, the only way I can cause a more or less prolonged reaction.

What does the phrase “Quite pitiful If I say so myself …” mean?

Let’s continue / Anew.
Yes, God does not affect people’s lives. Yes, everyone hurts themselves on their own.

I guess I’m worried about the topic of “betrayal by God.”
“Age of mortals”, independence, responsibility are usually caused by betrayal / rejection of faith on the part of believers or the death of an object of worship. The “era of mortals” is never initiated by a higher entity (except for God Ohm, Discworld; I probably misunderstood the book).

I mean … Elune didn’t even explain anything. She simply left during the “deadliest hour of the night elves.” Yes, the explanation would most likely not be satisfactory and would be brushed aside in anger. In case of respect for Elune’s explanation, humility in the face of the fact of their “loneliness” … I don’t know. Apathy? Displacement of anger at everyone who came to hand?


Продолжим / Заново.
Да, Бог не влияет на жизнь людей. Да, каждый причиняет себе вред самостоятельно.

Наверно, меня беспокоит тема “предательство со стороны Бога”.
“Эпоха смертных”, самостоятельность, ответственность обычно вызваны предательством / отказом от веры со стороны верующих или смертью объекта поклонения. Инициатором “эпохи смертных” никогда не выступает высшая сущность (кроме Бога Ома, Плоский мир; вероятно, я неправильно понял книгу).

То есть… Элуна даже ничего не объяснила. Она просто ушла во время “самого смертельного часа ночных эльфов”. Да, объяснение, скорее всего, не было бы удовлетворительным и от него бы в гневе отмахнулись. В случае уважения объяснения Элуны, смирения перед фактом своего “одиночества”… я не знаю. Апатия? Вымещение злобы на всех, попавшихся под руку?

I think Elune didn’t agree with what happened to Zovaal, and that she remained neutral in the conflict. I think she thought chaining him to the maw would only exacerbate the problem of his rebellion. And she was right. So they all became estranged from her, or rather, she distanced herself from them. Thus why the Winter Queen feels/felt abandoned by Elune.

It seems like before, Zovaal was only asking questions. But now he’s done asking questions, he doesn’t care. He just wants to wipe everything away and have everyone “serve.” His time in the maw drove him mad with a desire for control/power, because while he was trapped in the maw, he had none. Not really. Not compared to all his siblings, who were free to continue existing in their designated realms, while he suffered in hell, with only the worst souls existence had to offer as company. It sounds like he needed a therapist, and what they gave him was literally ONE MILLION YEARS DUNGEON. Like… it’s pretty abusive? ngl??? They created this mess, the monster that is the Jailer.

As far as I’m concerned, they’re ALL culpable for his crimes, and should probably have the keys to the kingdom taken away by more responsible members of the cosmos. :unamused:

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