They're going back on LFG!

It should be earned in game.

LFD shouldn’t be in wrath. Them adding it will be just the beginning of the end just like retail all over again.

LFD was in Wrath and it was the peak of WoW player population. LFD didn’t end retail. Crap expacs like Cata, as well as Wrath ending the primary story arc most Warcraft fans cared about began the demise.


LFD was a tool added in wrath yes, but it was added in the later phases. Just because players tolerated it then, it was the slippery slope that caused players to play and behave entirely differently from then on.

Queueing into dungeons didn’t cause players to suck. You just got paired with more people that were bad at the game because you were getting grouped with multiple other realms.

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They’re going to use it.

Imagine being so triggered by LFD not being in LKC that you have to exaggerate and hurl personal attacks at anybody that doesn’t say what you want to hear. Calm down and relax, I wasn’t talking to you unless it applies to you. :clown_face:

I think the ppl promoting not having a LFD are the ones that exploit players for their gold. Do you run gdkps? Sell your services as a tank? Sell your services as a booster? LFD in my opinion would be a positive tool for many to use to find ppl to play with on the players terms, do the dungeon they want to do at a specific time. Relying on guildmates to do what it is you want to do is not feasible. I don’t like to ask ppl to do things I want to do because I feel they may not really want to do it but to be nice they take the time and do it. I don’t like diminishing other ppl’s game time. Having a tool to find others that happen to want to do what you want to do is a positive feature. Will help diminish exploitation of players having to pay gold for gear in gdkps, or having to pay for a tank, or having to pay for a boost for your alt.


You know I am glad you mentioned this. I was watching an old Preach video today on wrath, and he essentially said the same thing. It’s not like everyone started playing badly all of a sudden, people just weren’t exposed to these sorts of players. Was an interesting video and a good point I thought.

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pug happened.

Server X pride. We do it this way!

Server Y…less pride. Close enough for government work.

Then server z. a home for casuals as it were. Do you know waht the damage drop over time is from you rotation not being this?

No…I press buttons, things die. IRL seconds matter to me since I am paid to care.

games for some are where this matters not. Do I care my night elf rogue is less damage than a human one? No. I like elves.

Funny video clip of pro wow player vs the noob casual. I can’t post links. Many will know of it.

I’d…be the guy who gets the funny naïve voice over. Oh this looks cool, I will do this.

pro serious voice with a touch of disdain, goes thats dps loss not optimal and a waste of time, etc.

I’d be funny voice over guy. Is it cool. does it look fun? then I shall do it.

I played eve for 9 years before wow break me out a bit (account warmed up recently tbh). I did serious gaming is serious there for 8 years of it. I only truly loved that last year when I stopped be serious lol. cool…can be better.

I wonder how the reaction would go if they did leave in LFD, but limited it to just the server; no cross-realm.

((Though, there is a valid argument for allow it to pull from other servers if the faction on the server is very small. Like here on Pagle, there’s not even enough lvl 70 Horde on at any given time to make a full Kara group.))

Must, include, all, servers so that the pool of player is large enough to make it work. Endless queues would make it useless just like the first version they tried to implement

I joined a guild, so I haven’t had to do any of those and I have two 70s and will have two more by the time LKC releases. It’s not in any way necessary unless you think being lazy is some kind of affliction that requires accommodation (lul). Also, exploitation requires one party to be forced into a transaction with no viable alternatives. Maybe on an extremely low population server this takes place, but that’s like a percent of a percent of the classic player base. And there are solutions available to that problem, whether you like them or not. Also, not exploitation because this GAME isn’t a resource or an essential service. And I don’t know why I’m arguing with people that have such a juvenile perception of this situation. I don’t care if it’s in the game at launch or not at all. It’s the reaction that’s so asinine. You’re literally the “take my ball and go home” crowd. Just be happy they gave you anything at all. It took years of begging to even get Classic and everybody is losing their collective poo over something that isn’t going to stop you from playing LKC. I don’t care how many of you say you’re going to unsubscribe. You’ll get over it just so you don’t miss the rush and get left behind.

bunch of lies.

LFD was in the END of the expansion. Like 70% of the expansion had already passed before they added it in. I think people are forgetting this.

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Group comp? In wrath really? It’s a cleave fest to the boss rinse repeat

To be fair, it was introduced in patch 3.3.0. Last content patch before the next expansion but it lasted a year. Not an insignificant amount of time to become accustomed to the system. And if people were being reasonable about all this it would be a good argument. But they aren’t. They’re just throwing a big tantrum. Just like all the #nochanges crowd were doing about the boosts and the deluxe edition mount before TBCC launch. They’re literally the same personality types, just on opposite ends of the argument.

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Source to this?,Scenario%20Finder%20in%20Patch%205.0.

If you were responding to me. First result when you Google, “When was Dungeon Finder added to WoW?”.

You don’t need to exaggerate. It was a little over halfway through the expansion.

And that’s an irrelevant argument anyway. Cross-realm bgs were put in like 80% of the way through Vanilla, yet they were in Classic. Just for one example.