incoherent insult filled rants might be a reason.
Here is a warning to the devs about this new system of covenants:
If you make one covenant that is better for dps/tanking/healing then lots of people will by default go there. If you then nerf it because people are using that one too much in your opinion, you will face the same criticisms as always…you nerf what is good and now we are stuck.
Don’t use the covenants as new talent trees for bad specs. Unless you allow us to align with every one of them.
Covenants should be story and some cosmetics only, and a few non-dps/healing/tanking buffs.
Mark my word, they will nerf what people take when we find out which one will be best for M+ and raiding. That will be the fail of the system.
It’s 2020, you can’t be a male whilst simultaneously being a thot. If you don’t understand that then you aren’t very inclusive.
I am in complete support on keeping the current system, meaningful choices with heavy RPG elements aka advantages and disadvantages are good gamer design.
Min maxers can go whine
One of my friends had the best suggestion - have each ability available to all covenants, but reskin their animations to fit the them of that covenant and then allow for changing within those reskinned ones.
RP is preserved and the ability for try-hards to optimize is also preserved.
So I am not a thot. I am a male. Thanks for the compliment.
Care to elaborate?
I’m with Ralph - I prefer to maximize the punishment/consequence across the players without any actual benefit to players that stick with a single covenant.
Minimizing player agency to the single choice across the entire character makes this possible - and that’s what we have right now.
Jumping judas both of you are generally irritating gits.
I think they went ahead and crunched on the code and now none of the coders want to dump it just to have to code everything again. Making them do it is the best way to get to looking for new coders. So we are going to have yet another “system” that will be pushed through.
As a druid and someone who does all content of the game, I appreciate the fact I can change essences based on the content I’m playing. I can pick the BIS for the content and spec after I’ve obtained them. Ill be sad if I’m locked onto the best covenant for balance raid but i need covenant 2 for balance mythic or I need covenant 3 for healing mythic.
Dont give me the ‘you dont NEED’ crap. Most of us want the best.
Well the abilities are all there. To my knowledge, it would be relatively simple for them to just attach them to a vendor.
Great suggestions were already made on this thread back when Blizzcon first announced the covenant system.
A big theme was to reward loyal players vs punishing players wanting to optimize.
Based solely on forum posts, I would say:
The only problem, which isn’t even actually a problem, is certain people don’t want to have to make a hard choice and then overcome the challenges inherent in it.
In other words, people want it all and they want it simple and easy.
Personally, I am hoping the Blizzard holds the line. Not because it will ‘stick it’ to anyone (sorry, it’s not all about you) but because, if I choose to purchased Shadowlands, the choice and its challenges will flavour and enhance my game experience.
And it is not like there isn’t options. It has already been stated there will be an option to switch and there is always the option of playing one character on each Covenant.
So solutions to the player-created issue are already in place.
Why can’t covenants be a transmog thing? Or just a way to get some starting gear for M+ and raiding? Why do we need to have more borrowed abilities tied to something other than our character?
As it stands right now, it sounds like Soulbinds could be the hidden x-factor in this equation. It sounds as if you will get several options for Soulbinds for each individual covenant, so there should be a focus on shoring up abilities on that end. In example, there could be a Soulbind for Mythic plus, raid, pvp, etc. It would be nice if the system worked similar to Legion followers (minus the actual follower thing): you go to your covenant hall, plug your raid one out, plug in your M+ Soulbind, and get ready to do some keystones. Odds are you will have to grind for the other Soulbinds, but Blizzard specifically stated that Anima power would be a capped resource, so you should be able to safely grind your “alt” Soulbinds without feeling like you’re falling behind on your main.
The design decision of putting the majority of the balance into the Soulbind system would be that they could theoretically balance it such that a player couldn’t just make the “wrong” choice, which is the worst possible outcome of the system. Ideally, the suboptimal covenant with the ideal Soulbind should be in a few percentage points of the ideal covenant with the ideal Soulbind. If not, then all that would need to be done is do a few numbers buffs to the suboptimal covenant’s Soulbind, without them having to toss out the whole system or make overhauling balance changes to the core covenant abilities (which would be a bad idea, considering the severity of the choice).
Let’s face it, this will ultimately just end up being what Ion said later… they will cave and give up, give people a chance to just freely switch. Because as far as I can tell no one HERE is giving anything less than completely neutering any identity or flavor these covenant choices will have.
That’s my opinion, don’t really care if anyone disagrees or agrees.
If its old Blizzard than they will push it through despite feedback.
If this is a new “Post-Classic scared of influencer” Blizzard then we end up with choices being meaningless and having no weight cause elite players won’t be 100% optimal at everything at all times.
Should make all classes the same but visually different so you don’t feel bad for picking the wrong class.
Yeah I’m fairly a bad player, and having any portion of the players gimped based on their choice will make me look a little better in terms of performance.
Not sure if this is a good reason to have for the system- but I’ll take whatever I can get to look better I suppose.
We still have Azerite gear 1.5 years later.
Okay so Shadow Priest with Void Form and Insanity has sucked since Legion and continues to suck in BfA, you’ve given it 4 years, THROW IT OUT