You bought BFA though. Was that another “educated” purchase. It seems as if you should seek a refund for wherever you received your education for the purchasing of terrible games.
The opinions of LFR heroes should not be taken into account. There is a strong correlation between LFR heroes, shills, and people blindly supporting shadowlands systems despite all evidence that it will be a huge failure. It will be comedy sure, but a failure nonetheless.
Occam’s razor - the simplest solution is to own the inevitable “BIS” attitude and balance each covenant to specific classes that thematically work together. You then give folks options to choose otherwise for whatever whimsy.
So, for instance.
Night Fae - Druid, Shaman, Hunter, Monk
Bastion - Priest, Paladin, Mage
Maldraxxus - Death Knight, Warrior
Revendreth - Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue
While I am not sure that should be the final disbursement, you get the idea.
If Blizzard tunes the Covenants to a smaller subset of classes, then we get away from the greater risk of “choosing wrong.” It allows Blizzard more diversity in providing class fantasy for a smaller range of classes within a Covenant, as opposed to balancing 12 classes across all four Covenants.
I have repeated this multiple times to you, but you lack reading comprehension. I do not think that Covenants will succeed in their current iteration. But Ion said in front of 90,000 people that they would throw it out if all goes wrong. Obviously, they’ve listened to us after the first day of complaints.
They’ll definitely hear us 2 months from now when we can get a good feeling on how everything will work out.
Let me ask you, why are you here? What’s your point?
It does throw a wrench into it. If they take the covenant that is good at M+ then by their logic they are now unplayable in raids and pvp. Instead of casuals being forced into obeying the meta maybe some of the less hardcore players will lighten up since they are no longer following the meta for certain content.
Having no lasting choice is submitting to the meta idea and I stand against that. Character building is a long missed feature.
They need to do something because the best borrowed power for my DK comes from the Night Fae. I do not want my Undead Death Knight running around with tree hugging Druids! I want him with the Undead things in Maldraxxus but their borrowed power is utter garbage for my DK.
You are so naive it’s comical. Ion said so so it shall be done. I’m gonna bookmark this for myself just for the pleasure of coming back to relish in the I told you so when it doesn’t pan out the way you have been blindly led to believe.
You are a shill. You are a LFR hero quality player. As such your opinion is irrelevant and the only contribution you have made if paying ahead of time for a booty expansion.
Still interested in that bridge I can sell you LFR pal?
Yeah, that’s why I’m thinking chunk the classes within Covenants that work thematically, so Maldraxxus is tuned for DKs best (and you’re right, DK should NOT have the Night Fae as best).
You’re assuming that if it’s easier for people to choose the “wrong” covenant, the meta mentality-obsessed portion of the community will ease up on the mentality, at least if I’m understanding you right. You are absolutely wrong. If it is easier for players to choose the “wrong” choice then it’s going to lead to more players being punished, because the people that adhere to and spread the meta mentality are not going to let up just because more people can make the wrong choice more easily.
If covenants go through as is, we should strive to ensure this happens. It would do some long lasting good to have the game collapse around such an obviously terrible system.
There would also be the added benefit of driving away those lowest common denominator players.
My goodness, you are pathetic. You literally haven’t taken into account a word I’ve said. I’ve repeated this like 4 times now. I don’t have faith they’ll manage to balance any of this. But if seeing how we reacted after seeing the first preview, we’ll probably go crazy later on in Alpha if it isn’t fixed by then. They’ll have to cave if they want to actually save WoW from the situation BFA put them in.
How so? Since you obviously don’t know what it means.
Is 465 LFR quality? I though that was 430. Last I checked, 465 is Heroic-level gear.
Nah. My opinion matters because I actually have braincells and I’m not some 11 year-old kid who got his mom’s keyboard, and thinks he’s some sort of freedom fighter because he watches HeelVsBabyface videos.
I don’t know who you’re referring to. But I want you to answer this question: Why do you keep coming back to a game you hate? Are you a masochist?
I haven’t cleared the raid because, again, I feel no need to play. I’m done with BFA now that I’ve finished Visions.
Really? Is that true? Because last I checked, wasn’t Blackwing Lair completed like an hour after release?
But that’s just it. I actually play the game. You don’t. You sit here on the forums ranting because you’re an obvious masochist. You just love to make yourself mad. It’s honestly really sad to see someone inflict that sort of thing upon themselves.