"they want to try to save the system before throwing it out."

Covenants should be purely cosmetic/lore based, similar to how the Aldor/Scryers were in BC. Players can make their choice based on what they want to play.

Here’s hoping there’s an option to not pick any covenant at all.


the atheist activism covenant

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I don’t want a 3rd expansion in a row with borrowed power and no character progression at all, instead we got “artifact, legendary, x souce progression that’s gone”


easy fix make it cosmetic no power tied to them, except rep to buy gear that gives you power.

There has to be a system for power progression beyond max level. Gear alone is boring. Leave the covenants as is… a choice players make based on personal reasons to progress the way they feel is best for their play style.

You can’t have absolute balance. There will always be the “best” set of talents, abilities, and gear. The way to manage this is to make them all good for any content, but focused on different things like PvP, AoE, raids, or utility.


that’s my point they can’t even balance talents, abilities, and gear now you want to add covenants to the mix lol

level and gear should be what makes you powerful talents and abilities are what makes your class fun.


Which is how the game has played effectively since vanilla, or at best when they got rid of Fear Ward for Dwarves, I guess?

If you want to pretend the old talent trees are kind of like this because you couldn’t actively change on the fly, which is a stretch since they were cookie cutter anyway, then I guess like WotLK for Dual Spec?

That’s why this is an issue. They’re trying to make something happen that goes against the precedent we’ve had for over a decade. The community that actually cares about performance and efficiency (which, btw, includes most of the pug world, which is how most people see content above entry level queues) is not going to accept it, and I don’t see that as somehow wrong.


I’d have more to say on this issue if the covenant I plan to use, Night Fae, didn’t have most of its abilities on To Be Announced. Covenants are such a thematic high point for how you’ll experience the expansion that I can’t see choosing one for any reason other than theme. I’d like to see powerful covenant boons but not necessarily so much so that the min/maxers have to make decisions around what will maximize their output and not get the most from the feature as a result.

My suggestions would be: get rid of the choice locked powers, let the covenant choices impact only aesthetics and lore. Change the powers and let us have all of them or just remove them. I’d rather not have them than being forced into them.

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They aren’t going to change it. They would have to tear down the whole system to do so. People seem to forget soulbinds are still coming. Those will add another layer of customization min-maxers will stress over.

Do not give in on this blizzard! Having impactful choices is something lost in gaming today. Everything is now boiled down to simulations and going the path you are told instead of deciding yourself.


Yeah although Venthyr’s class-specific ability for rogues kinda suck because it’s a PVP spell and I can’t use the covenant-flavored spell on a daily basis, there’s still soulbinds so I’m still going Revendreth with my rogue :innocent:.

Ahh sweet summer child

Except these abilities are nothing like Azerite. Azerite could only be thrown out and replaced.

Covenant Abilities can just be made open to everyone.

The word balance cannot be ever equated with anything positive Blizzard has ever done. They cannot even balance classes well, azurite gear, essences, corruptions and you want this same group to be in charge of a whole new system of variables?

The moment they “balance” something that people chose because it was working the way Blizzard allowed it to will be the day people reach their breaking point.

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Ok I’m really confused here.

On world of wargraphs, currently 38% of all players have ahead of the curve Azshara. Meanwhile, 3.8% have cutting edge Azshara.

Everyone had access to the same talents and can be the optimal race. Why is it that less than half the playerbade has this?

Could it be that YOU that player means more than whatever your Mr Robot thinks?

Changing covenant stuff right now because some people will think it’ll prevent them from clearing mythic are just looking for excuses.

If abilities really held you back, how come we have access to the same abilities and yet only 3.8% of players are cutting edge?

I think completely eliminating player skill from the equation is dumb and the numbers don’t have your back. Good players exist and are the 3.8%. other players aren’t held back by abilities other things factor into success.

Again, if it fails they’ll scrap it. I’m with you on this, I agreed with you on the thread.

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There’s nothing wrong with letting someone have the best abilities for their class to perform as optimally as they please.

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No this thread is people saying they can’t clear content because they’re missing ability X since they picked Y.

Yet right now everyone has access to the same abilities and only 3.8% are cutting edge. Something else must account for that … player skill.


Gonna be some rough times coming. I do believe it is sad though that they even know it probably wont work and are willing to throw all that dev time out. If they TRULY have doubts, why even go on with it?!?!?!?


You might want to look at my post history. I’m against this system. I don’t trust they’ll be able to balance it.

But even then, if they don’t, they’ll just throw it out. Let them have their experiment.

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