They are just figuring if they can stall long enough we’ll come around. There is no way for this to be removed mid-expansion.
There is no way anything is going to be balanced the way it needs to be. It’s just not possible. Plus, messing with how classes operate needs to stop.
So, you don’t want an mmorpg…
Or new content…
What a fun group. WoD it is boys!
This is what I want too.
They already do this…one way or another.
What you said makes zero sense. Once again, arguments for this system are absolutely illogical.
This is a completely irrelevant answer that has nothing to do with a MMO or a RPG. These are taking the place of a new talent row and that is where these should have been.
Get rid of factions, enable anyone to roll any covenant but you can only change ONCE.
remove any numbers from them then.
pure utility only.
no numbers. No damage. No healing. No shield.
The only way to boil this down.
If you’re a heroic raider now and want to continue that path covenants won’t be holding you back. Same with the Methods of the world.
The guys and girls who play this game 16 hours everyday and max out multiple characters are going to keep doing that regardless of covenants.
Heroic raiders will still be able to down content without the optimal choice.
I really don’t think the covenant is going to be the thing holding you back since some want to tear the whole system down.
Like I think it’s really disappointing the game has come to a state where players say they need X ability to do dungeons, Y to do PVP and Z to raid. And if they don’t have the ability they can’t succeed. Either the game stinks or the player does.
A new talent row? 1 aoe ability, 1 st, 1 useless. So exciting.
That is much more rpg than different abilities themed by the faction that you choose as apart of the exploring process in a new zone.
It’s the super easy scape goat players use instead of just trying to get better.
inb4 “i’d be in limit if i had just picked x covenant instead of y covenant!1!1”
This community sure has changed. If I complained about stuff being OP in PVP I was told to “get good” and deal with it.
Look at all of the talent tiers. These are basically a talent row choice tied to a cosmetic turned into a new borrowed power instead of an actual new talent row.
It’s not the wow community. It’s society now. Personal responsibility and consequences are bad. Free stuff is the way to go.
This is my favorite brain-dead streamer tagline. Somehow azerite traits and ap are different than all of the core tier set bonuses and items weve used in the past to make specs function.
I think Blizzard know how to create games!
They are not noobs at what they do, you know…
Full respec-ability is the only solution that will work.
They’re too impactful to not allow someone to choose one for raid and change for m+. Or choose one for tanking and another for dps.
Only way it’ll work is if you can pick a covenant PER SPEC and also change them whenever you like at minimal cost, just like traits now work.
The community has spoken on this issue with traits already. It’s the same exact crap but even more impactful.
Yes they are. Set bonuses were meant to be obtained and replaced multiple times and usually added passive bonuses that were in addition to character growth for the xpac. Azerite, legendaries, and artifacts took the place new abilities and talent tiers and some of their abilities were actually abilities pruned and then re-added as part of the borrowed power system.
To even try to compare raid tier armor with what we had with artifacts and legenadies and now Azerite + essences is insanely disingenuous.
I don’t want the covenant system thrown out at all.
I really really really want it to stay.
One thing that made FFXIV boring for me was the lack of choice and individuality. I appreciate that WoW leans more to that, even if only a little.
So azerite traits.
So, a new row of 3 abilities, 1 single target, 1 aoe, 1 useless is “great”.
The option of 8 major essences in addition to the combination of minor essences is bad. Too much customization for you? Remind me again how the majors are different than talents?
And don’t say because they are a part of the class. The number of talents that have been removed, replaced, or re-worked is so long you can’t say that with a straight face.
I think the covenants should be a choice with consequences
However, Blizzard can also do their best to make them all competitive within reason
They can all do damage for example, but an aoe ability is going to be superior in mythic+, whereas the single target will probably be best in raids
I think having weight to the choices is a good thing. It makes you stop and think, and consider each choice
If we make them like essences, and they’re easily interchangeable, we’re probably going to be flooded with QQ about how every person needs to grind every covenant power, and it’s too unfriendly to alts…
Honestly, no matter what they do I think people will whine
Allow players to switch covenants without too much difficulty, but require them to level/power/reputation grind each one separately, similar to classes and grand companies in FF14.