"they want to try to save the system before throwing it out."

No, our version of fun is putting some meaning back in the game.


Honestly in reading the chat and all Im kinda unsure if we will ever see a new class. It will be difficult and in my opinion the game has enough classes

Never enough classes, new classes are fun.

Well I guess my question becomes what type of class would be added? I know some people still want Tinker and Dragons but I cant really think of any other classes off the top of my head

I mean, I don’t know what they would add really, but I’d love to see more.

It’s ousted a failure before it’s even released. Pristine move blizzard.

Just make them cosmetic and no worries about picking what you want

By forcing restrictions on players that negatively impact their gameplay. That’s what you consider fun.

I can’t believe you’re coming out in support of bad class balance. I’m sure as long as devs know there is demand for bad class balance, they can continue to provide it for you.


“Just make them boring”

Honestly, reading through all these answers, I’m not sure how anyone ever decided to play the class they’re playing, much less the spec. What if this power is better for pvp than it is for pve?

Alright, what if rogues and mages are better at pvp than monks or shamans? Can you change on the fly or would you have to spend the timing gear that other character out? I don’t think it’s unreasonable for covenants to take some work to change in and out, it doesn’t sound like their intent for was for the powers to be like azerite powers or talents.

it’s not bad class balance, some class should be really good at AOE, some at Cleave, some at Single target.

If every class does everything there’s not point in having different classes.


This is very true. Every class shouldnt be able to do every single thing other classes can do. That was a big issue in MoP. But hopefully they balance well in Shadowlands

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you guys are all freaking out over covenants over nothing. ion said they plan to make the diff between them as small as race dps diff. if its that small then it will be just for cosmetics on what you pick stop acting like the world is ending things could be far worse

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It’s bad class balance when a spec is sufficiently low on aoe, st, and utility that it brings nothing to the table.

When purity of design is the only goal and player fun doesn’t matter (or is even considered a negative), the game has jumped the shark.

Yay mudwimping!

It’s not up to me to bargain with Blizzard when they already know the right answer.

If the system stays as-is I won’t be playing Shadowlands until they inevitably try and put out the dumpster fire. Then I can get it on sale and will have saved myself months and months of being annoyed.

It’s a win/win for me, really. Either the game is as cool as it can be at launch, or I’ll be using my free time on something better. :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

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I think BFA and MoP were the low points in class balance and design and I hope they can find a balance between classes being equivalent and player fun

I do not see faith as a virtue.

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I think no matter what this expansion has made it clear they are much more in sync with players this expansion and they are way more communicative. This is honestly a great sign but I pray it doesnt end up with the age old good expac followed by bad expac.

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I won’t blame people for picking the “wrong” covenant? There isn’t going to be a “wrong” covenant, just like there isn’t any “wrong” spec like I showed you in the example above.

There is nothing stopping you from becoming a mythic raider or a high rated PVPer in this game. If you put in the time and effort you can do it as well as many others have. Like there are still non-meta specs with mythic parses, but according to people on this thread, they shouldn’t have even been invited to the raid.

For the past few months I’ve been playing LOL, playing 10+ games per day. I’ve clocked over 600+ games this season. I am now diamond 2 which is in the top 1% of players. How? Because I put in the time to get there and I even played “bad” heroes along the way.

In Legion, I wanted to be a hardcore raider. So I put in the time, spent 12+ hours a day grinding AP with my guildies and we cleared AOTC on the second week of release. I had to step away from the game due to RL issues, but again, I put in the time to succeed and was rewarded.

Players are able to overcome things in the game because they put in time and become better. If a great player is able to succeed in every aspect of the game with a “bad” covenant ability that just speaks to the skill of the player.

I’d rather play a game where player skill matters. And I’m pretty sure people complained about that in Vanilla and thus we got WoW arenas, because again, player skill should matter in an MMORPG. If player skill doesn’t matter, then just give me all the best gear and I can chill in the city all day and talk in trade chat along with everyone else who has the same gear as me.

And when was the last time you saw ANYONE check things like corruptions or essences before doing a content

If you think Blizzard can actually pull that off, I got a bridge to sell you.

People are “freaking out” because Blizzards track record for balancing systems like this is terrible. If they do fix the system, they usually fix it extremely deep into the expansion, when the damage has already been done.

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