They think there's nothing wrong rofl

I think the real question we need to ask here is what the heck is going on with your transmog?

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What I understood from this alone “The forums are a good gauge of activity but not necessarily the “state of the game”. That’s a little more complicated.” Is that you don’t care about feedback in the forums but I’m not going to copy-paste my replies from the other post.

We’ve complained in WoD, Legion and BFA with very valid reasons if you ask me. Here let me list you a few points:

What made WoD bad? The homogenization of classes, extremely simplified game with farm ville style mechanics in garrisons (Is this where the idea of DIM came from?) Caged content behind garrison missions, proffessions turned into garbage, complete absence of social interaction within the game not to mention all the problems that Ashran brought to the table. This are some of the few problems that I can recall.

Legion and BFA have almost the same problems, but why listen to us? Let’s start with Legion because I didn’t play this xpac due to how bad of a downgrade it was from WoD (and that says a lot.) I personally hated Legion only played it one month at release and then one month before the expansion ended. What made me quit? I hated the artifact endless grind, I hated the legendary grind rng based, I hated the RNG loot system in PvP and how AWFUL arms felt and mind numbing, stat balancing in PvP zones, and caged content behind rep doors to point out a few things.

What is the problem with BFA? To no one’s surprise the SAME because why listen to the forums? What do we know about the “state of game”…. Blizzard point of view: You think you do, but you don’t!


Well hey you didn’t like RNG loot system from legion? Well here have some more RNG in BFA because it’s EXITING???. Classes are too hard to play with using almost 4 buttons? Don’t you worry! we got your back, let’s make it only 3 buttons for BFA so you can sleep on your keyboard while playing the game. Hey you didn’t like the endless artifact grind and everything being locked behind rep doors? WELL DON’T YOU WORRY! We aren’t changing it ANYWAYS! We’re going to give you an awesome powerful neckless artifact that you can endlessly level up and grind all day with dailies and our awesome and not boring at all isle expeditions! YAY!!! I can’t contain all the adrenaline and excitement running through my body as I’m thinking about all the fun things in BFA like the dailies? Don’t you love doing the same dailies over and over and over again for a whole year??? IT’S AWESOME! I can’t express my happiness when I open those mysterious loot boxes and get the same item 5 times in a row!! Will you believe it? 5 helmets one for every day! Yes? no?

All sarcasm aside, the GCD change was a bad choice, PvP progression is very frustrating with all gear being random. Most of the issues I mention were talked in this forums and remain unchanged from Legion to BFA. Not having new talents is a huge let down, the removal of items sets feels horrible there is no class identity anymore. And like I said before, dailies feel like a complete port from Legion nothing feels new, everything feels like a reskin with a few different colors and shoved in your face as new content for 60$ and a monthly sub.

  • Honorable mention to the Blizzard art team, the maps are beautiful and the music is awesome 10/10 there. Not Grizzly Hills quality yet, but well done.


Why would he do things differently : same paycheck, same coffee machine down the hall, same little routine of delivering things bit by bit to keep people starving. He is a very good employee actually, he does everything that doesnt need to be done and noone cares, he is such a small, invisible element of the Blizzard food chain he could even stop working for 6 months noone would notice


bfa killed wow


Oh shoot, is that a blue boi?

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Tell your boss to fight me IRL


Post to name ratio: strong


fix warlocks and ill give this a 10/10 or whatever on any review site u want


fix warlocks and ill give this a 10/10 or whatever on any review site u want


Fix warlocks and I’ll give this a 10/10 or whatever on any review site u want


Careful with the warlock post spam guys…

I’ve been banned for less :confused:


Sin rogue got a good nerf on ptr today, time to delete shimmer like you deleted deadly brew , holinka. lets get it done.

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I’m only liking this post because you posted a Jensen Ackles picture. He makes me feel all warm and cuddly.

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I don’t think they will look at pvp at all this xpack ;(


Yes it is. You just have to log into the game and see the lack of changes for such obvious issues.
So yes, you are implying that everything is fine with the game.
Don’t attempt to say otherwise, else you’ll be known soon enough as a liar.


The game had waaaay more subscribers at the start. Blizzard currently created a sub par expansion with a take it or leave it mentality in terms of feedback.

Only problem is other companies are listening to their fanbase and that’s where players are moving towards. I still don’t know why Blizzard is so amazingly out of touch with its players.


Worst expansion in history for me, first time I’ve taken a break since coming back in cata, and will probably be canceling sub very soon until next expansion.


I just hate this though.

Wait for what ? Something that could literally take 7 minutes. Add vendors. The end. It would satiate and remedy the problem instantaneously.

Wait multiple major patches to add in an NPC. Companies have developed full games in the time it’s still taking to add in one NPC.

Think about that.


They rarely take feedback now. Only way they’d know there is a problem is if they play the game. They most likely are not playing the game since there are too many bugs and complaints to respond to. It’s a vicious cycle.

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Parting your soup is not a miracle, Bruce. It’s a magic trick. A single mom who’s working two jobs and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that’s a miracle. A teenager who says “no” to drugs and “yes” to an education. That’s a miracle. People want me to do everything for them. But what they don’t realize is they have the power. You want to see a miracle, son?

Be the miracle.